Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Finding Me - Day 21

October 7, 2014

Well, another year has come and gone.  Each one is filled with ups and downs, good and bad, and blessings that abound.  As I take a moment to reflect on my last year upon this earth I can truly say that the Lord has provided and shown favor upon me.  Sure there were hard times, things I said which I wish I could take back and days that didn’t go the way I wanted.  But, putting all of those aside and moving forward, I think about the great things that have happened and about the possibilities that lie ahead.

We have a tendency to get wrapped up in the negatives of life.  It’s human nature to dwell on the “could haves” and “should haves” rather than wonderful blessings that come our way.  Each day we gather at the dinner table as a family and thank the Lord for the wonderful events of the day.  We circle the table and point out the “highs” for the day (the best parts) and the “lows” for the day (areas that need prayer or help).  Each person must have more highs than lows, which forces our reflection on the goodness that each day brings.  It’s a little thing, but it truly helps us realize just how blessed we are each day.

Day 21: I Am Blessed
“Praise the Lord! How blessed is the man who fears the Lord, Who greatly delights in His commandments.” – Psalm 112:1
God intends for His children to prosper and be blessed.  He is the provider of all that we have and in Him we must be thankful.  For by His hand we are given eternal life and there is no greater blessing in all of life.  By His hand we are given love to share with others, we are given peace each day to find rest in His presence.  Find the way each day to reflect on all the goodness in your life, and do not dwell on the negative, for there is no value in that.

Sondove Enterprises ©, 2014
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