Monday, October 13, 2014

The Purpose – From the Beginning

October 13, 2014

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8

Why do we do what we do?  Why do the sins from our past continue to remind us of who we were?  Throughout life we are challenged to live righteously, with integrity, with truth and with humility.  We know this, from our childhood.  We were taught right from wrong, to be nice to others, to share, and to love.  The baseline for our character, our value structure and our moral position in life was developed from our upbringing.  So, where does the unrighteousness come from?  Why do we continue to push against what we know is good and pure?

It is inherent.  You and I are born in sin, not from sin, but in sin.  There is a huge difference.  Mankind was created by God the Father, who knows no sin.  Placed into this world with authority over all things (Genesis 1).  We were created to love, serve and worship God the Father with every fiber of our being.  Satan, the evil one, deceived mankind though.  His temptation was to convince mankind that they could be as powerful as God.  In pursuing this, mankind became separated from God’s perfect peace and love.  For there is no other like God in all of creation.

This choice, this weakness to succumb to the temptation of this world, has forever set an inheritance for mankind’s generations.  From that moment on, the seed of man would be tainted by sin and passed on.  Because Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb, He alone was made perfect by the Father.  Through His birth, His perfect life, His sacrificial death and resurrection, God created a way for us to atone for our original choice to separate. 

By choosing to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we are choosing to walk away from the sinful past and the inherent nature of this world.  We are making a choice to accept that God is authority over all things, including our lives and that we are here for no other purpose but to serve, love and worship Him and Him alone.  All other desires and all other actions are for self gratification, which is sinful and evil in His eyes.

We are no different than Adam and Eve.  We must make choices daily to serve God or serve ourselves.  It takes humbleness and a desire to please Him above all other things. From our origin that is the purpose we were created for.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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