Monday, May 2, 2011

Heaven or Hell - You Choose?

“Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth” – 2 Timothy 2:25

It has been said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” but I am going to change on of those words and state, “Truth is in the eye of the beholder.”  Some research (The Bible Society) indicates that over 6 Billion copies of the Holy Bible have been sold since 1816, and that was when their study was completed in the 1990’s.  This doesn’t include any instances of online bibles or software bibles that have been purchased.  As two people on different sides of the world read the bible in their native language are they discovering the same truth that is intended to be revealed?

We were at a railroad crossing recently, and the gate came down just as we came up to the tracks.  Stopping before the gate we looked to see the lights of the train in the distance, approaching at a relatively slow state.  As it proceeded through the intersection, the rumbling and wind could be felt, even though it was going so slow.  We all started counting the number of train cars that passed through the intersection.  Some in the car were bored with the counting and after 35 or so dropped off, but Samantha (age 7) and I kept counting to ourselves quietly as the train seemed to go on forever.  As the last car was pulled through the intersection, Sam blurts out 114 cars – to which I answered no, 112 cars.  We had both just observed the exact same train pass by less than 15 feet in front of us yet came away with different answers.  We both undoubtedly believed our answer to be the correct one.  After all, we had both carefully counted every single car that passed by.  We each thought carefully, avoided distractions and stuck with it, only to end with different results.

People are reading the same bible today, cover to cover, and walking away with different conclusions.  Each believing without a doubt that their opinion is the truth and that the others must be wrong.  We attempt to avoid distractions and focus on learning from God, yet still in many cases our answers are wrong.  Nothing in the Bible is wrong.  I believe it to be the Holy inspired word of God laid down on paper and printed for me to use as a tool to learn from and draw closer to Him.  Others look at the same book and think it is a history book, a fairy tale and a nice read.  Some look at the Holy Bible as a set of rules for those that lived thousands of years ago and irrelevant in today’s world.  Then there are those that believe it is a door stop, or nothing more than another book in their library right next to the Quran, The Book of Mormon,
Bhagavad-Gita, Jonathon Livingston Seagull and books on spells and incantations.  Everyone has an opinion on what is written upon the pages of the Holy Bible and those opinions differ significantly from person to person.

One truth I draw from the Bible is that God’s love is available to everyone.  It is not restricted or hidden away from some, but freely given for all men to partake in.  Yet there are those who vehemently despise this love and what it stands for and without reserve seek out the opportunities to destroy the belief in this God of love.  The question must then be asked, does God love those who hate and despise Him, as much as He loves those who love Him in return?  I can only answer this in the manner by which I have learned from His scriptures, (
2 Peter 3:9); “…He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance”.  Jesus Christ came and took the sins of ALL mankind upon the cross and to the grave.  This alone tells us that every single soul, every single person ever born has the ability to choose Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, despite their unrighteousness and hateful acts.  Those who do not believe in the Bible, or Jesus Christ are given this same opportunity, but refuse it to be the truth.  In doing so, have set their path for eternal separation from God the Father.  There is evil in this world and those that conduct themselves in evil have chosen to remain blind to the truth revealed in God’s scriptures.  They have chosen to pursue other means by which to achieve eternal life rather than believing in the Word of God as that truth.  These are people that we should be praying for.  Pray that God might remove the scales from their eyes, just as He did with Saul on the road to Damascus.  Join me today in lifting up the lost in this world, that they should find Jesus Christ before their time has drawn to a close.

Heavenly Father
We lift up the lost and broken to You today.  We ask that Your hand of salvation be upon their heart and that Your wisdom be placed within their mind so that they might come to know You in a personal way.  Pour out Your love upon this world in a manner which exemplifies Your greatness amongst all of the universe and Your glory for all to see.  You are our Lord and Savior and in You only, do we trust for our eternal salvation.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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