Monday, May 16, 2011

Is It Today Lord?

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” – Mark 13:32

For centuries people have predicted the return of Jesus Christ.  Yet, if we are to take God’s word as truth, and absolute in that truth, than we must come to the conclusion that Mark 13:32 is truth.  This being the case, May 21, 2011 may or may not be the day of Christ’s return; just like today, tomorrow or Dec 12, 2012.  In Daniel 12:9, God seals up the prophetic scrolls until the time of the end.  So what is it that drives mankind to figure out God’s timing?  What causes us to need the answer to this question?

I propose it’s one of two things. 
   1) We are trying to control God to our convenience
   2) We are looking for the end to come quickly in order to avoid the troubles of today

By putting a firm date on the table, we are making a statement to the world – “Look how smart I am.  I have figured out the end of the world.”  This brings all the attention back to the person making the claims and away from the God we serve.  Secondly, There are over 6 billion people in this world.  Less than 40% claim to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and an even greater percentage than that would boldly claim that He is not the Son of God.  The salvation plan of the Lord is offered to ALL man-kind.  If indeed the world were to end this week, well over 60% of the inhabitants of the world would be “left behind”.  This is a far-cry from God’s plan of salvation.  Granted the word of the Lord has been communicated in countries far and wide and presented for acceptance in most areas of the world.  It is the choice of the individual to accept this message as truth or not, God is not going to force His hand.  But, let us keep in mind that there are still tribal nations in which the word has never been communicated.

The importance around the question, “When is Jesus coming back?”  isn’t to prove that the Bible is truthful and authentic, it is to ensure that God’s children are ready.  Because we do not know, regardless how scientific and mathematic the calculations are; we should assume it could be any day.  There are certainly evidence from the worldly news that would indicate that the end-times prophecies in Daniel, Isaiah and Zechariah are upon us.  This should only strengthen our resolve to focus on the truth and prepare the way for the Lord’s return. 

As a great song-writer once quoted at a concert, “I know vengeance is mine, doest sayeth the Lord, but I just want to be about the Lord’s business.” – Rich Mullins (1997)  I want to be about the Lord’s business in my life as well.  Doing the Lord’s business is why we were born.  Nothing else really matters.  You were conceived, you were formed by God’s hand, He breathed life into your soul when you were born and He has an intentional plan for you upon this earth.  When we struggle to find our purpose in life, it’s because we are focusing on our plans for our life and less on His plan.

We complicate our own life by focusing on worldly things and taking our eyes off of the One who created us.  When He returns, and He will return, what problem in life will you be working on solving?  The latest financial analysis, the stock market declines, the latest forecast numbers or project plan at work, …  I want to be about the Lord’s business when He returns, don’t you?
Think about it my friend and ask yourself where you’re heading in life, and if you really think arriving there will bring you closer to the Lord or not. 

In peace and love – Your Brother, Rich
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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