Monday, May 9, 2011

Who Me? Couldn't Be

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” – 1 John 1:8-9
Define sin in your words.  Now, how do you think this aligns to God’s definition of the word sin?  Romans 3:23 states, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”  From the original sin in the Garden of Eden, mankind has been born of sin.  It is inherent in our being and requires atonement before the Lord.  Throughout the bible the word sin, sinned or sinning is mentioned 541 times.  So, for us to believe we do not sin, is stating that the bible is false and that the Lord is a liar. 

The good news is that even though we are sinners and separated from the love of God, He has provided a way for our sins to be forgiven.  In the Old Testament, the law required a sacrifice to atone for the sins of a man and his family.  In Leviticus there are several references to the specific animal sacrifice and burnt offerings that were required for the atonement of sins.  It was followed completely by the Israelites as they longed to be closer to God and have God’s blessing upon their family.  Abraham, at the word of the Lord, even took his own son Isaac and laid him upon the alter, fully prepared to sacrifice his only son in obedience to God Almighty. Of course we know the story and God provided a ram just before Abraham brought the knife down upon his son.

The New Covenant formed between God and mankind though created a new manner by which our sins are forgiven.  God sent His only Son to die on the cross and in doing so, His blood was shed as the sacrifice for all of our sins.  This was done in a final gesture from the Lord to allow for man’s sins to be forgiven.  It was an act of complete love and compassion, to build a bridge for you and I to join God in heaven one day.  No longer must we go through the priest and legalities of sacrifice ourselves, for Jesus has become that intermediary on our behalf.  You can call upon His name directly, and confess your sins directly to Him.  On your behalf the Son of God will stand before the Lord and remove your sins because of His blood.  We then are expected to repent and turn from these sins as we are forgiven. 

The Holy Spirit that dwells within each believer is our constant reminder that we are saved by God’s grace.  As the third part of the trinity, the Holy Spirit is God within you.  He is perfect and holy as God is perfect and holy.  By His definition you know right from wrong, and righteousness from unrighteousness.  The Holy Spirit is quick to point out the areas of sin in our lives, not to condemn us and cause guilt, but to continually strengthen us.  By bringing our sins to our attention, we are able to lay them at the foot of the cross for forgiveness.  The Holy Spirit becomes the constant comforter and helper to repent and move away from these sins in the future.  In Matthew 12:31 we learn that there is an unforgiveable sin that will indeed keep one from entering into heaven.  That is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, God living within you.  By blaspheming the Holy Spirit; this means denying His authority and saving grace; one denies the Father and Jesus Christ at the same time.  For they are a trinity, three in one.  One cannot blaspheme or reject one without also rejecting the other 2.  This denial of the Holy Spirit is a denial of Jesus Christ as the path of righteousness and forgiveness.  We know from John 14:6, that Jesus states clearly, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” 

If we believe that there are other means that are sufficient to forgive our sins, it is not biblical and it goes specifically against the word of Jesus Christ.  We are all sinners, and we all have a natural propensity to sin.  We are all given the opportunity for forgiveness and cleanliness though, through the sacrifice of the lamb.  We must chose to accept this atonement for our sins, for in denying it, we have chosen another path of pain and suffering for all of eternity.

Heavenly Father
We fall before You today, prostrate in our humbleness before Your presence.  We acknowledge our sinful nature and ask that You pour out Your grace upon us and wash us clean as snow.  Lord, help us to repent from our sinful nature, and draw upon Your Holy Spirit for strength and wisdom to part from the unrighteousness in our life.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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