Monday, May 23, 2011

It's a Daily Choice

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2
I recall a story from many years ago about a duck, yes a duck.  As the fall months were coming to a close, the ducks from the North would take flight and soar upon the winds to their destination in warmer climates for the winter.  In the spring, these ducks would fly north again with their flock to spend the summers in cooler climates.  One spring as the flock was flying north; one particular duck glanced down and saw a barnyard filled with tame ducks enjoying each other’s company.  He decided to separate from the flock and swooped down to check out the barnyard.

There he found wonderful corn and the comfort of shelter in the barn.  He decided to stay for just a day…and then two…and a week…and eventually months passed.  The duck was happy, eating all he ever wanted, lying around the barn and just being lazy.  Then one day in the Fall he heard in the distance the quacking of ducks flying south.  Looking up, he saw the perfect ‘V’ formation and something inside of him stirred.  He had a sense of joy and a desire to join his friends on their journey.  He flapped his wings and said his goodbyes to those around him.  He slowly began ascending, but got no higher than the barn roof, before he dropped back into the barnyard again.  He thought to himself, “Oh well, this isn’t so bad; and the food is good.”

After that, the duck would hear the wild ducks fly over each Spring and Fall.  For a while he would look up and dream when he heard them.  He would dream of joining them, but all of the eating and lying around with the others had made him soft and heavy – impossible to fly again.  Eventually, he didn’t even notice them when they flew over, and he became content in living out his life captive within the confines of this barnyard, awaiting the day when he would be taken to the butcher.

Those we choose to hang out with have an influence on us whether we recognize it or not.  The human mind will associate “normalcy” to the events and actions that we surround ourselves with most frequently.  Over time the choices we make and the activities we partake in are rationalized against the actions of those we are associating with.  If we choose to hang out with others that are Christ minded and focused on growing in Christ, it is highly likely that our choices and lifestyle become stronger examples of Him.  Contrast this with a choice to associate with those that are far from Christ and our life will begin to emulate their choices and lifestyle and this becomes acceptable.

Living the life of a Christian is not something that can be turned on and off when we so choose.  It is a commitment, a covenant between you and the Almighty God of the Universe.  Every single day we must wake up and choose to follow Christ this day.  Challenges and situations will certainly arise throughout the day, and we have to make the choice to abide in Him in our actions and decisions.  Much like the duck in the story above, if we choose to become complacent in our thinking and our actions, it is very easy to convince ourselves that life is good enough.  The desire to follow Christ decreases over time and eventually we allow ourselves to become trapped by the worldly perspective; awaiting the judgment day, without fear or concern.  Make the choice each day to live for Christ and all that implies.

Almighty God
We are creatures of habit and easily influenced by others.  Build in us a strong heart for You and a longing for serving You.  Open our eyes Lord, so that we might see the error of our ways and turn from these actions to once again pursue You with a passion.  Forgive us Lord for our complacency and renew Your spirit within us.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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