Saturday, May 7, 2011

She Deserves Your Best

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." - Proverbs 31:28

by: Elspeth Young

Women, can't live without 'em and wouldn't want to. God has given us such an incredible blessing when He created woman. The loving, compassionate, strong, confident, empathetic, nurturing, protector and healer of all boo-boo's (physical and emotional). Where would we be without the women in our lives. If you have never had the opportunity to read through Proverbs 31, please do. It's a short read and filled with unbelievable truths about women and mothers. I sympathize with women though. It brings a whole new meaning to"taking someone for granted" and unfortunately this is the way most of us think about our mother.
The woman that carried you in her womb for 40 weeks (+/-). The woman that sang you songs and spoke to you when you were in her womb. Other than God's creative process, she is this person that gave you life. Her blood sustained your nutrients during the most critical part of your life - when all of your organs, muscles, tendons, bones, brain and heart were being developed. Yet, knowing that you had caused her immense pain during childbirth, she still took you, in the hospital room, and held you close to her bosom to calm your anxiety in this new world. The bond between a mother and her child is second only to the bond between our heavenly Father and His children.
A father may or may not be in the picture, but the mother is always there at the birth. A child cannot be born from a petri dish. It can be created there, but then through insemination it develops, grows and is born from the womb. The relationship between a woman and her child creates the foundation of our very being. This is why mothers are called blessed and are rightfully deserving of the title. This weekend, take the opportunity to read through Proverbs 31 and reflect on your mother and the other women in your life. Then tell them.

Heavenly Father,
You took from man and formed the perfect companion for him and called her woman. You perfected her being with your own hands and shaped her heart, personality, and compassion for providing unconditional love from the moment of birth on. Within her body You dwell during the creative process, forming and shaping each child. Lord, I lift up all Mother's on this special weekend and ask that You fill them with Your love, peace and blessings. In Your name we pray - Amen

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