Friday, May 27, 2011

What Would You Do With It

“Someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying.  Like tomorrow was a gift, and you’ve got eternity to think about, what would you do with it” – Tim McGraw lyrics
We take so much for granted in this life.  The very fact that our feet landed on the floor this morning is a blessing that most of us never consider.  The fact that you can breathe without assistance, hear, see and speak are other examples of the simple values in life we daily overlook.  I watched a 16 year old young man, named Scotty McCreery, take the stage back in January, proud of his roots, his faith and his deep country voice.  I proceeded to watch him over the last 4 months continue to live up to the integrity and character of a strong follower of Jesus Christ.  He has never hid his faith from the audience and millions of viewers watching American Idol each week.  Just this week Scottie was announced the winner of American Idol 2011, after singing Live Like You Were Dying with Tim McGraw.  His exact quote after being crowned the winner was, “I have to thank the Lord first, He got me here.”  This young man, stood on one of the biggest stages and in front of the biggest audience around the globe and proclaimed to the world his faith and belief in God Almighty as his strength.

This song from Tim McGraw speaks volumes in our lives today.  Every day we are given from the Lord above is a blessing and needs to be treated with as much respect.  We are given the opportunity to live for Him and His purpose on this earth, and it is our choice to use it or lose it.  I have stated in previous Daily Thoughts that time is linear.  We look at a clock, a calendar or day-timer and think about time in cycles, but it’s not cyclical at all.  The very seconds you have just spent reading these words will never be given back to you.  Each of us are on a journey called life and what you do with every one of the 86,400 seconds in a day should be considered a precious blessing from God.  From the moment you were born you will have 29,200 days (assuming an average lifespan of 80 years) to live for God.  It’s funny to me how often times people who are given the news of a terminal disease change their life and become more loving, caring and forgiving of others.  So many times, the receipt of this negative news drives changes in an individual’s life to make them the person they always wanted to be. 

The choices you make, the people you influence and the love you share in life will establish the legacy you leave behind.  Have you noticed how people find God quickly when a doctor tells them the end is near.  Yet these same people hear the same message from the pulpit and street corner preachers, and do nothing about it.  If you were given the gift of starting over, would you spend more of your time with the One who created you?  Would you dedicate more of your life to fulfilling His purpose?  I know I would.

Why not start today, and live like you were dying, because in the big scheme of this linear life you are.
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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