Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Never Listen

“And He was withdrawn from them about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, "Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done."   – Luke 22:42-43

I’m sure you’ve been there.  Needing something desperately, at the end of your rope, no way out and filled with despair.  Hitting your knees, and lifting your words to heaven in the most earnest prayer possible, you ask the Lord to help.  I’ve been there myself, crying out to the Lord for a specific answer, knowing in my heart that it had to be in God’s plans.  I waited patiently for His answer, for the circumstances to miraculously change and my prayers to be answered.  Time passed and no answers, no changes in the situation and if anything it had gotten worse.   
Unanswered prayers are on the lips of all of God’s children, some for our good and some for our growth.  I have found that often times when I am discouraged and impatient with God’s timing, is when I am focusing on my own desire for the prayer to be answered, not on His will.  Do you believe that God has an eternal perspective and not a moment by moment perspective?  If so, if you believe God to be omniscient, then you must understand that just because we want something, it might not be in His will.  This is the hardest part.
 What we don’t see in our myopic view are the halo effects of the Lord’s response.  As an example, you might be praying for a miraculous healing of a loved one’s illness.  Could the Lord reach down with His healing hand and remove the sickness, cancer or infirmity?  Instantly, if it were within His will to do so.  But, it may not be.  So, why wouldn’t it be within His will?  What if, hypothetically the medical practitioners could be influenced through the circumstance and come to a relationship with Jesus Christ as a result?  Or if your relationship with the Lord is strengthened, and you become more dependent and accepting of His control and power as a result.  You see how the perspective of the Lord is bigger then the circumstance that is right in front of you.
So it was with our Savior as captured in Luke 22nd chapter.  Jesus Christ knelt and prayed that the cup be taken from him.  Knowing that He would be captured, beaten, tortured and die; He prayed that the Lord find another way to solve the problem if possible, so He would not have to endure it.  God, in all of His Sovereignty and loving control said, “No, my Son.  As much as it hurts Me to say no, this is My plan of salvation for mankind.”  As a father of 5, and grandfather of 2, I could not have that much courage.  I could not make a decision to watch my own flesh and blood be beaten, tortured and crucified.  I would fight with every ounce of energy I have, even to death, to protect and keep them from suffering. 

So, what if God had answered Christ’s prayer and decided to save His Son that night?  The plan of salvation, grace and eternity would have been halted at that moment.  The halo effect of God’s decision that evening before Christ’s arrest has covered your sins, mine and the worlds ever since that glorious day of His resurrection.  God knew the eternal plan was more important than the immediate desires of His Son’s heart and left that prayer unanswered.  This must be kept in perspective as we look at the prayers that we lift to our Heavenly Father.  We do not see the halo effect of the outcome when we look through our eyes.  So, although we may not like it and it might even hurt (emotionally or physically), we must trust and have faith that God is in control and He will work all things for the good of His kingdom.

Prayer:Almighty God,
Creator of the Universe and all that is within it.  We kneel before You with our hands raised and our hearts open to Your will in our life Lord.  We humble ourselves to know that You are in control and that we do not understand the mysteries of Your ways.  We trust that You are working all things for Your good and that it may not align with our desires and plans in this world.  We accept that You are Sovereign and we are here for Your glory, and that in all things You will be praised.  In Your name we pray – Amen.

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