“Don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good.” -Romans 12:21
All Hallows eve, “Halloween”, good, bad or don’t care?
As we come upon October 31st once again we must sit back and challenge the acceptance of Halloween for what it is and for where it came from. There is a long history associated with this particular day dating back thousands of years. As the shift from more daylight hours (during the summer months) went to more dark hours (during the winter months) the belief was that spirits roamed the earth in the transition. Originally, it became a festival of sorts in Celtic and Druid tradition on the eve of November 1st. This pagan tradition (originally called The Vigil of Saman) and festival was celebrated by people dancing and parading wearing the skins and heads of dead animals. Some would wear costumes of evil images to blend in with the evil spirits that may be out and about that night, so as not to come under attack. The name Halloween, stems from the original name “All Saints Day” which the Roman church moved from May 1st to November 1st in the 8th Century AD. This day was to honor all of the saints that did not have a specific date set aside for them. This later became known as “All Hallows Day” and therefore the night before became known as “All Hallows Eve”. Eventually this became known as Halloween in the mid 1500’s.
For years now the questions around Halloween as it relates to Christians has been debated. Let’s be very clear, there is no glorifying message or presence of Jesus Christ in the Halloween festivities and celebrations. You might take the secular side of the debate, celebrate with the kids and hold true to the harmlessness of the day, or you might take the other side, not support it and hold true to the celebration of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Whichever side of the debate you are on, it is important that you address it with your children. I know as a child growing up, it was viewed as such an exciting time because of all of the costumes, candy, bobbing for apples, trick or treating, pranks and pumpkin carving. Many of these traditions stem from the pagan festivities of old, albeit’ not celebrated as such in today’s day and age.
We learn from the scriptures that we are to avoid evil ways of the world and focus all of our attention on the righteousness and glory of the Lord.
In Ephesians 5:11 Paul tells us, ”Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them”
In 1 Corinthians 10:21 he states, “You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord's Table and at the table of demons, too.”
Pray about how you are going to handle this with your family this year. You have to make the choice on how to celebrate with your family. Candy, costumes, carmel apples and the other traditions need have no significance in your celebrations, but family togetherness is always important. Use this time of year to draw close to one another and enjoy the fellowship of the Lord. Many churches and organizations are having fall celebrations or festivals, I suggest you seek these out and make that a part of your family traditions, rather than partaking in the celebration of evil spirits through costumes representing such and watering down the righteousness of God. Be safe, have fun and be careful.
Heavenly Father,
We come before you to lift you up in all that we do. We seek your wisdom and conviction in our lives to help us to remain focused on you in all of our activities. Help us to avoid the evil ways of Satan and the conforming to worldly views . Let your light shine through each of us in our choices and actions that all might see your righteousness and love. Help us to be an example to those that might have succumb to the world. In all of our days, we lift Your name in praise – Amen.
(c) Sondove Enterprises, 2010
For More Daily Thoughts visit: http://www.10minutereader.com/
Monday, October 31, 2011
Boo, I See You
Saturday, October 29, 2011
You Are Amazing
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” – Isaiah 40:26
It’s an amazing sight to see into the far reaches of the universe. Man has created such unbelievable technology in the area of space and the ability to capture images that a human eye could never see. I look with awe at the spectacular Orion’s Nebula or Fox Fur Nebula (see photo) and it boggles my mind to think that God created it all with just a word. Recorded in Genesis 1:1 – ‘God created the heavens and the earth.”, and I gesture to say we have yet to truly grasp the fullness of that statement. Well beyond anything we can imagine still exists out there somewhere, and it makes me wonder if in eternity it becomes the fields and streets we walk upon.
Now as we gaze in amazement at the universe and the complexities of His creation, look within yourself. He created you as well. In Colossians 1:16, Paul reassures those in Colosse, that all things were created by God, with the emphasis on all things. Additionally, all things were created for God. You were created for Him. That’s the truth of why you are here. You aren’t here to fulfill your dreams or goals, you are here to serve the One who created you. We are all guilty of believing the lies of society telling us that we need to do more, make more and get more to be successful in life. God’s message is simpler than all of that. Put Him first, put His purpose first, serve Him with your life and spread His love to those who need to hear it.
He gave you talents, skills and gifts to use for His purpose. He created each of us perfectly to serve Him. For as amazing as the galaxies, universe and stars are you are His most amazing creation and have unbelievable potential. It’s about time we all started living up to that potential, don’t you think. Spend some time this weekend carefully thinking about what it is God created you to do for Him. Then in your prayer time, ask Him to help you find a way to achieve these things.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for making each of us unique and perfect. You have embedded in each of us a desire to serve You, a longing to do more for Your purpose and to use our life to bring glory to You. Help us identify this purpose and strive to achieve it. Thank You for making me who I am, amazing and wonderful in Your eyes. I want to serve You more and live the life You planned for me. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.
Now as we gaze in amazement at the universe and the complexities of His creation, look within yourself. He created you as well. In Colossians 1:16, Paul reassures those in Colosse, that all things were created by God, with the emphasis on all things. Additionally, all things were created for God. You were created for Him. That’s the truth of why you are here. You aren’t here to fulfill your dreams or goals, you are here to serve the One who created you. We are all guilty of believing the lies of society telling us that we need to do more, make more and get more to be successful in life. God’s message is simpler than all of that. Put Him first, put His purpose first, serve Him with your life and spread His love to those who need to hear it.
He gave you talents, skills and gifts to use for His purpose. He created each of us perfectly to serve Him. For as amazing as the galaxies, universe and stars are you are His most amazing creation and have unbelievable potential. It’s about time we all started living up to that potential, don’t you think. Spend some time this weekend carefully thinking about what it is God created you to do for Him. Then in your prayer time, ask Him to help you find a way to achieve these things.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for making each of us unique and perfect. You have embedded in each of us a desire to serve You, a longing to do more for Your purpose and to use our life to bring glory to You. Help us identify this purpose and strive to achieve it. Thank You for making me who I am, amazing and wonderful in Your eyes. I want to serve You more and live the life You planned for me. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Oh Thou Wicked Temptress - Life
"But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.”
– James 1:14
Temptations come in so many different ways that I propose that there will never be a day void of temptation in your life. We are tempted by the desire for material possessions, by lustful desires, by the anger, self pity and resentment that crowds our thoughts of others. You must agree that there is a significant amount of people trying to recover from addictions – drugs, sex, food, alcohol, … Do you think that just because someone accepts Christ and goes through some counseling that the devil throws up his hands in defeat, sits down and pouts? No of course not.
I’ve known addicts that have been through recovery programs. Exit completely clean, spiritually fed, committed to serving the Lord for the rest of their days. They move right back into the apartment they left. How many times within a day is their dealer sitting on the couch with his wares on the table. It doesn’t have to be taken literally either. We are all sinners – yes everyone of us. For you see, temptations enter our lives in so many different ways in this day and age. The very screen you are looking at to read this devotional is one very powerful source of temptation.
The Almighty Jehovah has burned cities to the ground with a rain of fire for so much less than that which we take as common behavior today. We are enticed through e-mails, chat rooms, music, videos, pictures, shortcuts to success and financial windfalls and numerous other methods meant to convince you that it’s okay. Pay attention to the amount of advertising and temptations that bombard your senses each day through television, the internet, conversations at work, advertising in magazines & newspapers and your own inherent selfishness. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are above it all either, that you are transparent to temptation.
It’s important to recognize your weaknesses and have a plan for dealing with situations. One of the best things coming out of the 12 step recovery process is Step 1: Acknowledge that you are an addict. You see realizing that you are human and that you are weak and prone to a sinful nature opens the door to seek help from the Lord and to develop a plan of action to avoid temptation. Take a moment to capture a written down list of your weaknesses where temptation will cause you to be dragged away from God’s plan. Now below each of these write 3 specific steps you will take to avoid temptation in each of these areas. Make this a part of your daily prayers – put this list on as armor in the morning to protect you from falling throughout the day and remain in touch with God’s word through a daily quiet time.
(c) Sondove Enterprises, 2010
To read additional Daily Thoughts visit: http://www.10minutereader.com/
– James 1:14
Temptations come in so many different ways that I propose that there will never be a day void of temptation in your life. We are tempted by the desire for material possessions, by lustful desires, by the anger, self pity and resentment that crowds our thoughts of others. You must agree that there is a significant amount of people trying to recover from addictions – drugs, sex, food, alcohol, … Do you think that just because someone accepts Christ and goes through some counseling that the devil throws up his hands in defeat, sits down and pouts? No of course not.
I’ve known addicts that have been through recovery programs. Exit completely clean, spiritually fed, committed to serving the Lord for the rest of their days. They move right back into the apartment they left. How many times within a day is their dealer sitting on the couch with his wares on the table. It doesn’t have to be taken literally either. We are all sinners – yes everyone of us. For you see, temptations enter our lives in so many different ways in this day and age. The very screen you are looking at to read this devotional is one very powerful source of temptation.
The Almighty Jehovah has burned cities to the ground with a rain of fire for so much less than that which we take as common behavior today. We are enticed through e-mails, chat rooms, music, videos, pictures, shortcuts to success and financial windfalls and numerous other methods meant to convince you that it’s okay. Pay attention to the amount of advertising and temptations that bombard your senses each day through television, the internet, conversations at work, advertising in magazines & newspapers and your own inherent selfishness. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are above it all either, that you are transparent to temptation.
It’s important to recognize your weaknesses and have a plan for dealing with situations. One of the best things coming out of the 12 step recovery process is Step 1: Acknowledge that you are an addict. You see realizing that you are human and that you are weak and prone to a sinful nature opens the door to seek help from the Lord and to develop a plan of action to avoid temptation. Take a moment to capture a written down list of your weaknesses where temptation will cause you to be dragged away from God’s plan. Now below each of these write 3 specific steps you will take to avoid temptation in each of these areas. Make this a part of your daily prayers – put this list on as armor in the morning to protect you from falling throughout the day and remain in touch with God’s word through a daily quiet time.
(c) Sondove Enterprises, 2010
To read additional Daily Thoughts visit: http://www.10minutereader.com/
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Faking It
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer” - Psalm 19:14
What makes God happy? Have you ever considered this in light of your daily walk through this life? Does it even matter to you?
Let’s suppose you are having a terrible day. While you are at the grocery store you run into an old friend from your youth; someone you haven’t seen in years. As you both recognize one another the friend comes closer to give a hug. Do you hug them back? Of course you do. If you are like most people you will put on a smile and a new attitude for this conversation. You want to express to your friend of old that you are a happy and joyful person. The troubles of the day for this brief moment are buried, pushed aside and contained. Yet, inside of your conscience, you realize that your heart is still troubled and it’s all a façade.
How often do you come to your quiet time with God, covering up what’s in your heart, pretending that everything is okay? I know I do. There are days I come before the Lord angry, unsettled and bothered by some trivial problem; yet I suppress all of this before Him who loves me. I feel embarrassed to bring my true feelings to God, almost as if it is whining and complaining before the Almighty. How silly when you think about the fact that God is omniscient and all knowing. There is nothing in my life that He is not already intimately aware of. Putting on an act of holiness and joy, while inside I am scared, confused and overwhelmed is an attempt to hide the truth from the Lord.
It is my belief that God desires our honesty, our righteousness and our love as we come before Him. His love for you is not predicated on your happiness, perfection or works. For that matter, it is not predicated on anything other than your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. He is righteousness, holiness, perfection, truth and love and cannot be improved upon. There is nothing you or I can do that would make God greater than He already is. Likewise, there is nothing you or I can do that can reduce His holiness or greatness. He is immutable, unchanging and eternally present. Bringing our honesty and heartfelt love to Him acknowledges His glory in our lives. Lifting Him up with praise and adulation is our way to bring Him joy. Let your words be pure and truthful and let your heart be filled with His love this day and always.
Heavenly Father,
You are holy and righteous. You reign above all things great and small, yet You are completely and totally in love with me. Thank You for Your merciful forgiveness of my unrighteousness. Guide me thoughts and actions to be a holy representation of Your love in my heart. Help me to cast my worries away and trust in Your provisions, peace and comfort as sufficient for my needs. Let my life demonstrate Your glory to those I meet, that Your Kingdom might be expanded. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Take the Shot
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” – Psalm 94:19
The flu virus runs rampant through our household at least once a year. In our family, when one person gets it, there is no doubt that the rest of us are only a matter of days away. If you’ve had the flu recently, you know that it can take every ounce of energy right out of you. Things that seem so simple become a laborious task. The simple movement from laying down to sitting up can cause a nauseous reaction pretty quickly. There are even some times when you can’t see the end of the lousy feelings and it seems that you’ll never get over it.
They are now giving flu shots at work, at the grocery store and the pharmacy. The flu shot is actually contains a small portion of a killed virus which counters the risk in most people of receiving the live virus from others. Seeing the signs for flu shots being offered everywhere, I generally walk past, never give it a second thought and move on my merry way. It’s something I just don’t take the time to participate in, but always regret not doing after I’ve become sick.
You’re spiritual life is the same way. God’s word to you and I is available each and every day for nourishment, strength, confidence, comfort and renewed hope. Most of us know this, and realize that benefits of being in God’s word daily, yet pass right by and carry on throughout the day. Then when times get difficult, doubts enter into our thoughts and fear overcomes us, we run to find that perfect scripture to help.
The word of the Lord is alive and filled with unbelievable tools and protection against the onslaught of daily life. Having this knowledge and understanding of God’s word is the strongest vaccine available to fend off the challenges of today’s world. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed with the day to day issues of bills, work, children, school, meals, cleaning, running errands and so on and so on… Each of these things are a necessity in their own right, but have tremendous opportunity to leave one feeling hopeless and defeated. God’s breath and life found in His scriptures renews that spirit every day, and allows for you to be strengthened for what lies ahead. How does God comfort His children? Through His word and through His Holy Spirit dwelling within each of us.
Take a few moments each day to spend with the Lord in quiet time. Lay your stress, worries and concerns at His feet through prayer, and renew your strength each day through His word. You’ll be surprised how this simple preventative maintenance will help in the restoring your faith.
The flu virus runs rampant through our household at least once a year. In our family, when one person gets it, there is no doubt that the rest of us are only a matter of days away. If you’ve had the flu recently, you know that it can take every ounce of energy right out of you. Things that seem so simple become a laborious task. The simple movement from laying down to sitting up can cause a nauseous reaction pretty quickly. There are even some times when you can’t see the end of the lousy feelings and it seems that you’ll never get over it.
They are now giving flu shots at work, at the grocery store and the pharmacy. The flu shot is actually contains a small portion of a killed virus which counters the risk in most people of receiving the live virus from others. Seeing the signs for flu shots being offered everywhere, I generally walk past, never give it a second thought and move on my merry way. It’s something I just don’t take the time to participate in, but always regret not doing after I’ve become sick.
You’re spiritual life is the same way. God’s word to you and I is available each and every day for nourishment, strength, confidence, comfort and renewed hope. Most of us know this, and realize that benefits of being in God’s word daily, yet pass right by and carry on throughout the day. Then when times get difficult, doubts enter into our thoughts and fear overcomes us, we run to find that perfect scripture to help.
The word of the Lord is alive and filled with unbelievable tools and protection against the onslaught of daily life. Having this knowledge and understanding of God’s word is the strongest vaccine available to fend off the challenges of today’s world. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed with the day to day issues of bills, work, children, school, meals, cleaning, running errands and so on and so on… Each of these things are a necessity in their own right, but have tremendous opportunity to leave one feeling hopeless and defeated. God’s breath and life found in His scriptures renews that spirit every day, and allows for you to be strengthened for what lies ahead. How does God comfort His children? Through His word and through His Holy Spirit dwelling within each of us.
Take a few moments each day to spend with the Lord in quiet time. Lay your stress, worries and concerns at His feet through prayer, and renew your strength each day through His word. You’ll be surprised how this simple preventative maintenance will help in the restoring your faith.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you Lord for Your word. Thank you for the peace and comfort that You provide through Your scriptures and the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. Help us to find renewed strength through the reading of Your word and expand our understanding to be a light unto others along the way. Put a hedge of protection around us Lord, that will fend off the enemy who steals our joy and peace through the busyness of the day. Guide our steps toward Your light and fill us with Your passion, love and grace to know that through You we are conquerors in this life. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Thank you Lord for Your word. Thank you for the peace and comfort that You provide through Your scriptures and the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit. Help us to find renewed strength through the reading of Your word and expand our understanding to be a light unto others along the way. Put a hedge of protection around us Lord, that will fend off the enemy who steals our joy and peace through the busyness of the day. Guide our steps toward Your light and fill us with Your passion, love and grace to know that through You we are conquerors in this life. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
All He Has
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.” – Luke 6:30
He wakes up every morning with nothing but what is on his back. His shoes are old and worn, his coat is frayed at the bottom and his face hasn’t been shaved in many years. He carries a backpack with everything he owns tucked deep inside it. When the weather turns ugly, he finds a corner to curl up in, to cut the wind in an attempt to stay warm. He carries a small sign each day that says – “Will work for food.” and authentically means it. He’s not a beggar, he’s not a drunk or a druggie, he’s simply doing God’s work.
In 32 years he has traveled across the United States, from city to city, town to town where the Lord leads him. He’s never gone a day without food, and is a constant recipient of the charity of others. He stays mainly in the South for the warmer climate, but travels North during the summer months to expand his ministry. What is his ministry, you might say? Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to all that will listen.
In 1979, this young man gave his life to God at a tent revival in Daytona Beach, and heard from the Lord very clearly – “Go and tell the story” So, he went and never looked back. In his backpack he carries a few belongings, but mostly used bibles. He hands out bibles to those who need them, and collects from those who want to give. He comes into a city, led by God’s directions and waits for the Lord to work through him. Sometimes it’s a day, a week or longer, but God points out to this man, the person or persons in need of hearing the Word. After sharing God’s love, he packs up his belongings and moves on to the next city.
A modern day apostle, yes; but more than that. He lives all out, everything and every day serving the One who created him. He takes no more than he needs for the day, and gives back through hard work and sharing God’s love. He’s not on CNN, FoxNews, BBC or the Oprah Winfrey show. He’s not looking for praise or acknowledgement or a raise. He’s not complaining daily about how he got cheated or how life’s not fair. He simply wakes up and walks, and along his path shares the love of God with all who will listen. So, the next time you feel worried about life’s hardships and feel that others are cheating you out of something, just stop and say a quick prayer for Daniel. It’s likely that you have much more than he does.
Heavenly Father,
Today I lift my prayer for Daniel. I’ve never met him, but I know he’s out there serving You with everything he has. I pray for his warmth, his health, his rest. I pray that he is able to reach those You have called him to reach and that they indeed hear Your voice through him. Lord, I ask that You pour down blessings upon Daniel that will ease his burden today. Give him food, shelter, and peace in knowing that he is loved. In Jesus name I pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Do You Still Believe?
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” – Luke 18:17
When she came home from school she was in tears, her eyes were puffy and red, obvious she had been crying for quite a while. This was the beginning of Christmas break, what could have made this little 8 year old girl come home to her mother crying and sobbing so violently. Drawing her close to her chest the mother finally calms the girl down, and begins investigating what could have caused this. “Sweetheart – tell me what happened?” Between sniffles and tears, with a quivering voice the young girl began telling her mother the story of how the kids on the bus had teased her all the way home from school. “They said he’s not real. They said I was stupid for believing. They asked if I ever saw him or talked with him. If he’s real, show us.” The mother got a lump in her throat, she knelt down near to her daughter and held her close. She knew this day would come, but she truly thought it was too early. She looked into her daughter’s eyes and with quivering lips and a soft smile said, “Sweetheart, I’m sorry those kids were mean, children can be that way honey. But, it is time you know the truth. You see Santa isn’t a real person that comes down the chimney. Your Dad and I tell you that to help you understand the love of giving gifts to others. I’m so sorry.” The little girl straightened up, looked squarely into her mother’s face. “Mom, I know there’s no Santa…. I’m talking about Jesus.”
Every child has an innate knowledge and understanding of God and Jesus. The scriptures tell us that we are created by the hand of God, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb . I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:13-14) God breathes His spirit into every conceived child in the womb. Forty weeks spent in the womb with the Lord will leave a lasting impression of deep love and comfort on the psyche of a child. The child adheres only to those things that they feel secure around. Don’t believe me? Hand a crying baby to it’s mother, and the baby quiets down. Hand a crying baby to a woman the baby is unfamiliar with and most of the time the crying will get worse.
A child believes in God without ever meeting Him or understanding the complexities of salvation, grace, righteousness or repentance. I propose they are able to accept His love based solely on a comfort level with someone already known. It is mankind that removes the innocent faith and acceptance; by applying logic, worldly perspectives and self seeking interests as the child matures. I will go out on a limb and make a statement that the younger a child is the more pure and truthful their belief and faith in God is. This is the image of unabandoned faith and love, perhaps we should take record of their faith and learn from them.
When she came home from school she was in tears, her eyes were puffy and red, obvious she had been crying for quite a while. This was the beginning of Christmas break, what could have made this little 8 year old girl come home to her mother crying and sobbing so violently. Drawing her close to her chest the mother finally calms the girl down, and begins investigating what could have caused this. “Sweetheart – tell me what happened?” Between sniffles and tears, with a quivering voice the young girl began telling her mother the story of how the kids on the bus had teased her all the way home from school. “They said he’s not real. They said I was stupid for believing. They asked if I ever saw him or talked with him. If he’s real, show us.” The mother got a lump in her throat, she knelt down near to her daughter and held her close. She knew this day would come, but she truly thought it was too early. She looked into her daughter’s eyes and with quivering lips and a soft smile said, “Sweetheart, I’m sorry those kids were mean, children can be that way honey. But, it is time you know the truth. You see Santa isn’t a real person that comes down the chimney. Your Dad and I tell you that to help you understand the love of giving gifts to others. I’m so sorry.” The little girl straightened up, looked squarely into her mother’s face. “Mom, I know there’s no Santa…. I’m talking about Jesus.”
Every child has an innate knowledge and understanding of God and Jesus. The scriptures tell us that we are created by the hand of God, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb . I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (Psalm 139:13-14) God breathes His spirit into every conceived child in the womb. Forty weeks spent in the womb with the Lord will leave a lasting impression of deep love and comfort on the psyche of a child. The child adheres only to those things that they feel secure around. Don’t believe me? Hand a crying baby to it’s mother, and the baby quiets down. Hand a crying baby to a woman the baby is unfamiliar with and most of the time the crying will get worse.
A child believes in God without ever meeting Him or understanding the complexities of salvation, grace, righteousness or repentance. I propose they are able to accept His love based solely on a comfort level with someone already known. It is mankind that removes the innocent faith and acceptance; by applying logic, worldly perspectives and self seeking interests as the child matures. I will go out on a limb and make a statement that the younger a child is the more pure and truthful their belief and faith in God is. This is the image of unabandoned faith and love, perhaps we should take record of their faith and learn from them.
Heavenly Father,
You have breathed life into each of us. From birth You have expressed love for every child. Forgive us Lord for walking away from Your righteousness and adopting the ways of this world. Strengthen us Lord to stand firm on Your word and promises for truth and justice in this life. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Friday, October 21, 2011
Let it Go Already
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
"I, yes I alone, will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again" - Isaiah 43:25
Who do you need to forgive? Is there someone that has done an unspeakable injustice to you or someone you love that makes it impossible to forgive them? If you are honest with yourself you are likely going to admit yes to these questions, and even now your feelings of anger are resurfacing. Is there a part of you that is actually saddened by the realization that you haven't gotten over it yet? If you are like most, the details may actually be a little bit fuzzy. Time does that. We go over the circumstance in our mind and sometimes the events become blurred and expanded beyond what really took place.
Now - who feels the same way about you? Is there someone out there that you know without a doubt, cannot forgive you for something done long ago? Most likely there is. To apply today's "Daily Thought"; what could you do to bring closure to this situation? Have you asked for forgiveness and apologized for your mistakes? It seems so simple on the surface, but when we try to execute on it, pride and arrogance often get in the way. This is simply a fact of living and associating with others. We are incapable of forgive and forget. This us where we need to take example from our Lord's word.
As we see in Isaiah's 43rd chapter God is the only one capable of truly forgetting our transgressions. How often do we continue to condemn ourselves for our past and convince ourselves that if we can't forgive ourselves - how could God ever forgive us. Here again we are faced with a very clear example of why we are not God, and why He is. But, catch the end of this scripture, "will never think about them again." Wow!! Think of the most hideous thing you've done in your life. We are comforted to realize that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed as redemption for even that sin.
Through acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are promised God's forgiveness as detailed in Isaiah. Let's be clear though, it is only available to those with a real faith in Jesus, and not the individual's denying His deity. I for one am unbelievably grateful that Gods grace will cover all of my sins. I have hurt others over my 47 years; some intentionally, most unintentional. Still, I need to do everything I can to reconcile these sins with the individuals I have hurt. I take comfort in knowing that whether they forgive me or not; God does. Keeping an eternal perspective is important when balancing the ebb and flow of your life. Quit thinking about your fears and failures of today, and allow God to fill you with His loving grace and forgiveness.
Who do you need to forgive? Is there someone that has done an unspeakable injustice to you or someone you love that makes it impossible to forgive them? If you are honest with yourself you are likely going to admit yes to these questions, and even now your feelings of anger are resurfacing. Is there a part of you that is actually saddened by the realization that you haven't gotten over it yet? If you are like most, the details may actually be a little bit fuzzy. Time does that. We go over the circumstance in our mind and sometimes the events become blurred and expanded beyond what really took place.
Now - who feels the same way about you? Is there someone out there that you know without a doubt, cannot forgive you for something done long ago? Most likely there is. To apply today's "Daily Thought"; what could you do to bring closure to this situation? Have you asked for forgiveness and apologized for your mistakes? It seems so simple on the surface, but when we try to execute on it, pride and arrogance often get in the way. This is simply a fact of living and associating with others. We are incapable of forgive and forget. This us where we need to take example from our Lord's word.
As we see in Isaiah's 43rd chapter God is the only one capable of truly forgetting our transgressions. How often do we continue to condemn ourselves for our past and convince ourselves that if we can't forgive ourselves - how could God ever forgive us. Here again we are faced with a very clear example of why we are not God, and why He is. But, catch the end of this scripture, "will never think about them again." Wow!! Think of the most hideous thing you've done in your life. We are comforted to realize that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed as redemption for even that sin.
Through acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are promised God's forgiveness as detailed in Isaiah. Let's be clear though, it is only available to those with a real faith in Jesus, and not the individual's denying His deity. I for one am unbelievably grateful that Gods grace will cover all of my sins. I have hurt others over my 47 years; some intentionally, most unintentional. Still, I need to do everything I can to reconcile these sins with the individuals I have hurt. I take comfort in knowing that whether they forgive me or not; God does. Keeping an eternal perspective is important when balancing the ebb and flow of your life. Quit thinking about your fears and failures of today, and allow God to fill you with His loving grace and forgiveness.
Heavenly Father,
You are an amazing God. Filled with love, mercy and grace for Your children despite our transgressions and unrighteousness. Your forgiveness is unparalleled in this world and the depth of Your love is unwavering. Falling before You, I lift my hands and give You all praise and honor. Help me Lord, to forgive those who have wronged me. Guide my lips with sincerity and purpose to those who I have wronged, that I might be reconciled with them. Clear my heart of unrighteousness and fill it with Your purpose and Your love. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The Time Has Come
“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” - 1 John 5:4-5
What are you going to do with this scripture verse?
Do you believe it to be true? Do you honestly believe that God in all of His incredible awesome power and authority is going to limit heaven only to those that believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son?
Awful close minded of us Christians, to think that our way is the only way. Where is the love for all mankind, and the acceptance of all people – you know that whole love others as you would have them love you. If God is so loving, why wouldn’t He just accept anyone into heaven?
You’ve heard all of this before I’m sure. People struggle with the rigidness and being told you must do it this way. God’s plan of salvation is available to all of mankind, but you know and realize that many will not accept, acknowledge and believe this as the only way. I have heard so many times that so and so is a nice person, loving and kind to everyone. They go out of their way to help the less fortunate and homeless and spend countless hours in nursing homes with the elderly and confined. Yet they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Perhaps they believe in Buddha, John Smith, Ghandi or just plain good karma for all I know. The fact that they are kind and loving to others does not fulfill fundamental principal for salvation. This scripture addresses it straight on though.
“Whatever is born of God…”
“he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
Evangelism happens one person at a time. Although many times there are multiple people listening, it is God’s use of His children to propagate His message and live out the Great Commission. Taking the truths of God’s word and sharing His love and His truth with another individual. Perhaps that person is your son or daughter, perhaps it is your spouse, your parents and/or other family members. Who is it in your life that is denying the truth of 1 John 5:5? Are you afraid of becoming one of the “Jesus freaks” or a “Holy roller”? Is your pride getting in the way of you sharing the most important information you have ever learned?
If you knew a bridge on a back country road was damaged and impassable, and your daughter was going to be driving out that way tonight, wouldn’t you tell her about the bridge? You would do everything you could to keep her safe and far from harms way. Yet, have you sat and had a discussion with your daughter about the truth of Jesus Christ, and the evil in the world today? You love your child enough to warn them about dangers in the roadways around your city, but not enough to ensure that their name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
I used to have a boss that once told me, “If I hear others complaining about how much of a pain you are, I know you are doing your job. It’s when I don’t hear anything that I wonder if you are truly pushing the envelope and pressing hard enough.” If people are uncomfortable with what the Good News is saying, than you know you are speaking to someone who needs to hear it. Take up your sword (the Word of God) and get into the fray. There is no room for benchwarmers in this war. Sitting on the sidelines might have been okay when you were younger, but this world needs to hear the truth of God in a big way, and we are the chosen to communicate that message. I hope someone calls you a “Jesus freak”, that just means you’re pushing the envelope. Preach on my friend.
Do you believe it to be true? Do you honestly believe that God in all of His incredible awesome power and authority is going to limit heaven only to those that believe in Jesus Christ as God’s Son?
Awful close minded of us Christians, to think that our way is the only way. Where is the love for all mankind, and the acceptance of all people – you know that whole love others as you would have them love you. If God is so loving, why wouldn’t He just accept anyone into heaven?
You’ve heard all of this before I’m sure. People struggle with the rigidness and being told you must do it this way. God’s plan of salvation is available to all of mankind, but you know and realize that many will not accept, acknowledge and believe this as the only way. I have heard so many times that so and so is a nice person, loving and kind to everyone. They go out of their way to help the less fortunate and homeless and spend countless hours in nursing homes with the elderly and confined. Yet they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Perhaps they believe in Buddha, John Smith, Ghandi or just plain good karma for all I know. The fact that they are kind and loving to others does not fulfill fundamental principal for salvation. This scripture addresses it straight on though.
“Whatever is born of God…”
“he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
Evangelism happens one person at a time. Although many times there are multiple people listening, it is God’s use of His children to propagate His message and live out the Great Commission. Taking the truths of God’s word and sharing His love and His truth with another individual. Perhaps that person is your son or daughter, perhaps it is your spouse, your parents and/or other family members. Who is it in your life that is denying the truth of 1 John 5:5? Are you afraid of becoming one of the “Jesus freaks” or a “Holy roller”? Is your pride getting in the way of you sharing the most important information you have ever learned?
If you knew a bridge on a back country road was damaged and impassable, and your daughter was going to be driving out that way tonight, wouldn’t you tell her about the bridge? You would do everything you could to keep her safe and far from harms way. Yet, have you sat and had a discussion with your daughter about the truth of Jesus Christ, and the evil in the world today? You love your child enough to warn them about dangers in the roadways around your city, but not enough to ensure that their name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
I used to have a boss that once told me, “If I hear others complaining about how much of a pain you are, I know you are doing your job. It’s when I don’t hear anything that I wonder if you are truly pushing the envelope and pressing hard enough.” If people are uncomfortable with what the Good News is saying, than you know you are speaking to someone who needs to hear it. Take up your sword (the Word of God) and get into the fray. There is no room for benchwarmers in this war. Sitting on the sidelines might have been okay when you were younger, but this world needs to hear the truth of God in a big way, and we are the chosen to communicate that message. I hope someone calls you a “Jesus freak”, that just means you’re pushing the envelope. Preach on my friend.
PRAYER:Heavenly Father,We take up our position in your great plan and yield the mighty sword of righteousness (Your Word) before all those we come in contact with. Help the right words to be on our lips at the right time, so we might help spread Your love and awareness to the world. Use me Lord to be Your eyes and feet on the street. In Jesus name I pray – Amen
© Sondove Enterprises, 2010
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Coming Flood
"The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." -Romans 13:12
As I listen to the news of the world recently, I struggle to find God in it. People are angry, afraid and worried about what their future holds. The economy, the weather, the politics come up in nearly every conversation I have with people I meet as I travel. It’s easy to see a sense of apathy and to some degree helplessness wash over them as they think of the complexities of this world, and how small they feel next to it all. But, I see little sense of urgency to help solve the problems we are living with in today’s society. This is caused by the sheer magnitude and global reach of every decision, which minimizes the impact of any single person. As a result we resort back to the things we can control - checking account, mortgage, education, food and our immediate family.
I want to share a word picture that has stuck with me over the years.
Imagine that you are in an indoor sports facility (domed baseball field) which might seat 50,000 people. Now imagine that you are taken to the very top row, right next to the glass roof and hand-cuffed to a chair. If someone were to drop a single drop of water into the center of the field, and then dropped a doubled amount every minute (1-2-4-8-16...) until the stadium were filled . How long would you have before you'd drown?
Imagine that you are in an indoor sports facility (domed baseball field) which might seat 50,000 people. Now imagine that you are taken to the very top row, right next to the glass roof and hand-cuffed to a chair. If someone were to drop a single drop of water into the center of the field, and then dropped a doubled amount every minute (1-2-4-8-16...) until the stadium were filled . How long would you have before you'd drown?
A few months? Maybe a few weeks? At least a few days, right? What if I said you would only have 49 minutes before you were overtaken by the pool of water. Even more surprising is at 44 minutes the stadium would only be 7% full. The sheer volume that overtakes a person happens in the last 5 minutes.
So, what does this have to do with God. For years you have heard corner preachers screaming, "Repent, His time is at hand" and yet we continue about our busy life. The bible is very clear, that Christ will come as a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2) and we will not know when. Very much like the person chained to the top of the stadium, you know eventually the water will get here, but it doesn't seem obvious when there's only a few drops on the field. Now just imagine how much you can do for God's Kingdom if you shed off the apathetic, helpless garb earlier and put on the armour of God well before the waters closed in. If 90% (44 min) of the time has elapsed before you begin to worry, that last 10% (5 min) will happen like a flash in the night. There is much to do and the clock isn't slowing down. If you have a thought on how to spread God's word and help others, by all means take a stand now my friend, for the world is in need of a Savior and you have the answer.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2009
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
© Sondove Enterprises, 2009
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Monday, October 17, 2011
It’s Quite a Mess We’ve Made
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” – Psalm 56:3-4
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(c) CNN, 10-15-2011 |
Darkness envelopes the sea of concrete and glass
Thousands will sleep on the grass
Their words are filled with rage and pride
Anger that’s been bottled up inside
Some say justified and long overdue
Some say they’re lazy and don’t have a clue
Some say where there’s pain, people need rescue
So what then say you?
There is no quick answer to the mess that we have gotten into in this world. People feel cheated, yet are blessed beyond comprehension when compared to those of years gone by. The rise of dependence upon the greed of society has caused the fall of the desire to trust in God. In America, we print it on every dollar bill and stamp it on every coin; yet few actually believe it as it passes through our fingers like water. “In God We Trust” was first stamped onto the 2 cent coin in 1864, but didn’t become the national motto for the United States of America until 1956 by the US Congress. Now think about the changes in America and the world in the last 55 years. In one generation, we have gone from trusting in God, to removing Him from schools, government buildings, parks and public areas.
We have become addicted to our own self interests. I speak generally of course, but look carefully at your priority list in life. At what point does “Live for God and Follow Him” show up on your list? Let me ask you this; if tomorrow, everything you had was gone – house, car, clothes, food and even family; would you still love God? Are you dependent on your lifestyle and your control of the outcome more than you are on what He wants for you in life? I am guilty as charged, as most of you likely are. You see, we wake up in the morning with prayers to God, and go to sleep with God in our prayers; but the in the time between we are pushing hard to do everything we can to make a living, put food on the table and pay the bills. That’s like asking God to accept the life we have chosen, and His answers going to be “No”.
He didn’t send His Son to die on a cross, so you could have the life you wanted. He sent His Son to die to reconcile for the iniquities in the life you have chosen and bring you into the life He has chosen for you. We have to stop looking to others to solve our problems in life, and begin asking ourselves, am I really focused on living for God or living for me. Trust in the plan God has for your life and in His word and perhaps we can actually make a difference in this world once and for all.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the blessings You have poured out upon me. Thank You for offering Your Son to die that I might have life with You. Forgive me Lord, for selfishly focusing on my goals in life and my comfort without trusting You. I long to be as strong as King David and be wholly committed to You and You alone. I struggle to remove my desires of this world and live for You as You deserve. Help me Lord, to put aside my desires and focus only on the desires of Your heart. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Thank You for the blessings You have poured out upon me. Thank You for offering Your Son to die that I might have life with You. Forgive me Lord, for selfishly focusing on my goals in life and my comfort without trusting You. I long to be as strong as King David and be wholly committed to You and You alone. I struggle to remove my desires of this world and live for You as You deserve. Help me Lord, to put aside my desires and focus only on the desires of Your heart. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
Trusting God
Friday, October 14, 2011
Can I have a Mulligan?
Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
It was an incredibly beautiful Fall day. I gathered with a few friends for 5 hours of pure frustration and tirelessly chasing little white balls around the beautiful green turf of the local golf-course. As for me I would spend more time in the tall brown weeds lining the sides of the fairways than on the green turf though. There's always that moment at the very beginning when you are 20 yards away from the club-house and you know there are people on the putting greens and in the bar watching. It's as close as I'll ever have to actually golfing in front of a gallery of people. There is a tradition in golf to of flipping a tee to determine who hits first. Knowing that I am on the low end of the talent pool, my simple prayer at that moment was that someone else go first. I watched as the tee flipped and spun through the air and landed on the grass. The pointed end was pointing straight at me, which meant I had to hit first.
The butterflies begin as I step up to the tee-box and set the ball upon the tee in the ground. Just for show, I stretch a little, and then wiggle my club around behind the ball as if I were coming to a balanced position. With a smooth backswing and shifting my weight back and then forward, I pull the golf club down on a collision path with the Titelist 4. It sounds awesome and I breath a sigh of relief, until I look up to see the ball on a trajectory directly sideways toward the 18th hole green. The jeers and laughs are audible from those around the tee-box and putting green as I stepped away from the tee, leaving it in the ground. Looking up at the group of guys with me, all holding back their humorous comments, "I'm gonna need a mulligan guys." A mulligan is a "do-over", a second chance and as tradition would have it in friendly games of golf you're typically entitled to one mulligan per 18 holes. It stinks to use it on the very first hole, but sometimes it's necessary. The key is to ensure you don't screw up the do-over as well. On this particular day, I was fortunate and hit the ball long and straight down the middle on my second shot.
When you have accepted Christ in your life though, life off the golf course follows the same principles. Sin abounds in each of us. The next time you are in a crowded room, look to your left and then to your right. Those individuals are also struggling with sin. But there are times when the spotlight shines on our sins though and it is at these times when others are watching to see how you handle it. Those on the putting greens of life are watching you, to see how you react. Just as in golf, the important thing is that you learn from your mistakes and seek redemption through the one who can give you a mulligan. The great thing about our Savior is the fact that He will actually tee up the new ball for you and give you the ability, determination and confidence to stand in front of that audience and hit the next one straight down the middle.
I'm not much of a golfer, my friends can attest to that, but I'm even worse at dealing with the temptations, trials and pain of life. The greatest thing though is that I know the designer of the game of life and He's a great coach.
The butterflies begin as I step up to the tee-box and set the ball upon the tee in the ground. Just for show, I stretch a little, and then wiggle my club around behind the ball as if I were coming to a balanced position. With a smooth backswing and shifting my weight back and then forward, I pull the golf club down on a collision path with the Titelist 4. It sounds awesome and I breath a sigh of relief, until I look up to see the ball on a trajectory directly sideways toward the 18th hole green. The jeers and laughs are audible from those around the tee-box and putting green as I stepped away from the tee, leaving it in the ground. Looking up at the group of guys with me, all holding back their humorous comments, "I'm gonna need a mulligan guys." A mulligan is a "do-over", a second chance and as tradition would have it in friendly games of golf you're typically entitled to one mulligan per 18 holes. It stinks to use it on the very first hole, but sometimes it's necessary. The key is to ensure you don't screw up the do-over as well. On this particular day, I was fortunate and hit the ball long and straight down the middle on my second shot.
When you have accepted Christ in your life though, life off the golf course follows the same principles. Sin abounds in each of us. The next time you are in a crowded room, look to your left and then to your right. Those individuals are also struggling with sin. But there are times when the spotlight shines on our sins though and it is at these times when others are watching to see how you handle it. Those on the putting greens of life are watching you, to see how you react. Just as in golf, the important thing is that you learn from your mistakes and seek redemption through the one who can give you a mulligan. The great thing about our Savior is the fact that He will actually tee up the new ball for you and give you the ability, determination and confidence to stand in front of that audience and hit the next one straight down the middle.
I'm not much of a golfer, my friends can attest to that, but I'm even worse at dealing with the temptations, trials and pain of life. The greatest thing though is that I know the designer of the game of life and He's a great coach.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Do Not be Decieved
“In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.” – John 14:2
It’s the natural lifecycle: conception, birth, life and then death. There are those that would believe there is nothing beyond the last breath that you take. Some will stand firmly on their belief that this life is it, this is all we have and that once the dirt hits the casket wood, there is no more. If this were true then what is the purpose for order in life and where does that come from? What does righteousness look like in that world? Who determines what is right and what is wrong, and who says they are right in their proclamation? For if it has no meaning and then one day you just die – why even get up in the morning?
If we set the expectation for goodness based on whether I am better than the person next to me, isn’t that truly a very self-centered, egotistical and prideful societal order? Who owns the official hierarchy of goodness for mankind to be compared against in this type of a world? It breeds chaos, uncertainty, rebellion and a world of injustice. Some individuals are actually driven by this carelessness. They’re not accountable to anyone but themselves for their actions. Certainly there are laws put in place to keep the order, but if the supreme authority is the government of this world, then right and wrong comes down to their opinion the individual. Each person could become the supreme authority, the god of this world. It would truly be nothing more than a glorified game of King of the Mountain that we played as kids. There would always be a battle for authority at the top of this hierarchy and there would always be a struggle for relevance at the bottom. What a hopeless world that would be.
In this society, where does the baseline of love come from when the only benchmark or example of love is what we see in those around us? What would it mean to love another person? Respect them, honor them, cherish them and sacrifice for them. All of which take humility and selflessness, which is completely contradictory to the world of “me first”. In this society, why would we even love one another? Why would we care about those around us? If we are all here for an average of 80 years (2.516 billion seconds), why should we care what happens today, tomorrow or any other day?
In reality, the order of our world and the benchmarks for righteousness, love and goodness are all set in place by the Creator, the One and only God Almighty. His very breath started the wheels in motion. He created man and realized the need for companionship – He created woman. Perfect as the world was, our human interest in control took over and in disobedience Adam and Eve cast mankind into an eternal battle, having to choose sides between the righteousness of God or the self centered and prideful life with the deceiver. Remember that Satan was cast out of heaven for his intent to rise above the Holy One. There is only One God and He is above all things, now and forever more.
How about you, what are your feelings and thoughts about life and death? You can’t be undecided on this one. There are only two options to the question – there is an afterlife or there is not. If you choose the latter, than carefully examine your motives and ask yourself just how and why it all came to be.
Heavenly Father,
You are wonderful and mighty, set above all things in this world and below it. We trust that You are with us, every step of every day. We acknowledge Your sovereignty and Your power to rule over us and give us guidance toward righteousness and love. Thank you for Your mercy and salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Help us to share this love with others that they may also come to an understanding of Your grace and plans for eternity. In Jesus name we pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For more Daily Thoughts go to: http://www.10minutereader.com
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