Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Coming Flood

"The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." -Romans 13:12

As I listen to the news of the world recently, I struggle to find God in it. People are angry, afraid and worried about what their future holds.  The economy, the weather, the politics come up in nearly every conversation I have with people I meet as I travel. It’s easy to see a sense of apathy and to some degree helplessness wash over them as they think of the complexities of this world, and how small they feel next to it all.  But, I see little sense of urgency to help solve the problems we are living with in today’s society. This is caused by the sheer magnitude and global reach of every decision, which minimizes the impact of any single person. As a result we resort back to the things we can control - checking account, mortgage, education, food and our immediate family.
I want to share a word picture that has stuck with me over the years.
Imagine that you are in an indoor sports facility (domed baseball field) which might seat 50,000 people. Now imagine that you are taken to the very top row, right next to the glass roof and hand-cuffed to a chair. If someone were to drop a single drop of water into the center of the field, and then dropped a doubled amount every minute (1-2-4-8-16...) until the stadium were filled . How long would you have before you'd drown?
A few months? Maybe a few weeks? At least a few days, right? What if I said you would only have 49 minutes before you were overtaken by the pool of water. Even more surprising is at 44 minutes the stadium would only be 7% full. The sheer volume that overtakes a person happens in the last 5 minutes.
So, what does this have to do with God. For years you have heard corner preachers screaming, "Repent, His time is at hand" and yet we continue about our busy life. The bible is very clear, that Christ will come as a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2) and we will not know when. Very much like the person chained to the top of the stadium, you know eventually the water will get here, but it doesn't seem obvious when there's only a few drops on the field. Now just imagine how much you can do for God's Kingdom if you shed off the apathetic, helpless garb earlier and put on the armour of God well before the waters closed in. If 90% (44 min) of the time has elapsed before you begin to worry, that last 10% (5 min) will happen like a flash in the night. There is much to do and the clock isn't slowing down. If you have a thought on how to spread God's word and help others, by all means take a stand now my friend, for the world is in need of a Savior and you have the answer.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2009
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