Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Soul Mates

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’- Matthew 22:37


They were soul mates. She was 14, he was 17 and when they first caught a glimpse of each other across the basketball court, there was definitely a sparkle in their eyes. They were each with someone else that night, but the little bit of harmless flirting that went on would one day be recorded in their memoirs. Years later they walked down the aisle together to begin the tumultuous roller coaster of a life filled with a love from deep within. As the words from the Pastor echoed through the church rafters, "What God has brought together, let no man put asunder" were heard it was taken to heart. Time will pass and these two soul mates will rest in the strength of their love and commitment and watch their family grow and prosper, all from the comfort of a front porch swing.

Love between a man and woman will last a lifetime. Certainly some would argue that a mother's love is stronger than any other, but I propose that a stronger love does not exist than that between husband and wife. It is also the most difficult to put parameters around, until one fathoms the depth of love from God and required of God. You've heard me say a hundred times and I'll keep saying it until the day I die; God cannot love you any more or any less than He does right this minute. Pastor Randy (Harvey) once made the following statement which clearly articulates the love I imagine from God.
"God looked from the beginning of your life and all the way out past it, and said, "There is nothing this boy(girl) will ever do that will keep Me from loving him."
So the real question of the scripture is, are we able to love God as much as He loves us? The answer is emphatically, "No." Loving with ALL your heart, soul and mind is impossible with humanity, but that is what God deserves. Why - because that's the way He loves you. God looked down from heaven on the first Good Friday, I suspect with tears, and watched them beat His son, crucify His son and buty His son. Could God have stopped it? Absolutely, but it would have cost the eternal lives of every other human for all time. All of His heart, All of His mind and All of His soul were laid open on that day; and God with His infinite love for mankind, swallowed His love for His own son and watched Him die a horrible death.

With the resurrection on Easter Sunday, Christ prepared a way for us to return that love back to the Father. For Jesus Christ has the capacity to love the Lord with All of His heart, His soul and His mind and only through Him are we able to reciprocate with love for the Father. Taking up this scripture and claiming the love of the Father as an entitlement will begin to enrich your desires to love Him back. For as much as you love your husband/wife and children, the love we can give back to God is exponentially greater. Take hold of it my friends. You don't deserve it, but He is giving it to you freely.
Loving Father,
Your love is beyond comprehension, beyond our ability to fully understand it’s depth and completeness.  There is nothing we can offer that can compare.  You loved us enough to sacrifice Your own Son so that mankind may rest in Your glory and peace one day.  Press this down upon me Lord, that I might find rest in You today.  In Jesus name we pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2010
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