Tuesday, October 11, 2011

All About Love

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.” – Proverbs 19:22

What does it mean to love someone unconditionally?  Does it mean that you can never get angry with someone for their actions?  Does it imply that everything they do is okay even if someone else gets hurt?  Of course not.  There is very few that can say they love someone unconditionally.  Conditions exist on every relationship, every thought, emotion and reaction.  It is impossible to separate the emotion from the action in these circumstances, often times resulting in a circumstance where the love we might have for another person is altered and diminished.

We walk through this world with our guard up, constantly on the alert for those that might offend us in the slightest way.  Our hearts are made of stained glass and there are very large rocks that others carry with them everywhere they go.  Think of the last person that hurt you.  Think carefully about what that person did (or didn’t do) that caused your pain.  Was it an action, a word or worse yet something physical?  What do you believe was at the heart of that person when this happened?  Do you truly believe they were intending to hurt you and if so why?  Were they harboring their own hurt feelings from something you or someone you know may have done to them in the past?

You see, one action begets another action, which begets another and so on and so on and so on.  When it all comes down to it, we are a very reactive society and most of the time we are intent on getting even when our feelings are hurt.  It is human nature to look out for our own self interests in most situations, without consideration for what the other person(s) may be going through.

So how is it that God can love us regardless?  His love is a spiritual love – deeper than emotion, deeper than physical.  His love is at the heart and soul level.  He sees what is underneath the fleshy outer layer and the ego, pride and selfishness.  He understands very clearly who you are, because He created you.  No one, not even your momma knows you as intimately as God knows you.  He knows what is on your lips and tongue before the words even leave the mouth.  Just what is it that you can hide from Him?  The secret sin that no-one knows about, He does.  Those little lies you tell to make every else like you, He knows.  That lustful feeling you get every time that special someone walks by, He sees it.  You can’t get away from His righteousness, for it is from within – the Holy Spirit.

God loves you unconditionally.  There is nothing you can do to remove yourself from His love.  You can deny Him all you want, and miss out on receiving His love, but it doesn’t make Him love you less.  You can blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but He still loves you and pains over your decision and refusal to accept His love.  It cannot change, it is consistent and pure and available, but you must accept it to enjoy the rewards of eternity with the Creator.

Heavenly Father,
Your grace is representative of Your infallible and unconditional love for mankind.  You have given it all, provided the means, the plan and the guidelines for accepting Your love.  It is available for each man, woman and child to accept and thereby receive eternal life through our Lord’s sacrifice at Calvary.  Help us to forgive others as You do, and to love them like You do.  In Jesus name we pray – Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
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