Thursday, October 4, 2012

Making Plans

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“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” – Proverbs 27:1

It was Friday morning and they were having coffee at a local coffee shop.  They were talking of their future together, starting a business in the coffee industry.  We’re not talking about double blah blah upside down latte  coffee, no we’re talking about flavored coffee, just like flavored tea.  Tea sales had exploded as soon as they started mass producing flavored teas – orange-blossom, mint, cinnamon, chai, chamomile and of course lemon.  Why couldn’t they do the same thing with coffee?  It would be a success and soon all of those fancy coffee stores would want to license their recipes for coffee.  They left that little coffee shop and each went their separate ways to the office with a plan to meet here on Saturday morning and frame up their business model.

It was a typical morning in the office, running here and there trying to get a few projects knocked out before the weekend.  He ate lunch at his desk that day, too busy to go down the street for a sandwich, he got a salad at the cafeteria and brought it back to his office on the 27th floor. A few hours after lunch he was working on his project, but couldn’t get his mind off of their discussion this morning and the new future it would hold for him and his friend.  At first there was a brief trembling, and his eyes watched a picture fall from the secure hanging place on the wall.  Then another trembling, more severe and his legs wobbled, and a third and he felt the building begin to move.  Making his way to his office window, he looked out over the street below, cars and buses had crashed and light poles were laying all over.  A few smaller buildings had fallen and people were running frantically.

He turned on the news and the final tremor hit with such an impact it knocked him down and shattered one of his office windows.  Definitely an earthquake.  He had never been through one before, but remembered something about standing in a doorway.  People all over the office were screaming, crying and running frantically.  Most were trying to dial friends and families on cell phones that weren’t working, because three of the major cell towers in the area had fallen.  What this young man in Tokyo did not realize is that the Tohoku earthquake had just occurred and a tsunami was en-route to the northeastern shore of Japan.  There was no way for him to understand the devastation and deaths that would result from this earthquake, and the changes that would happen in his life from that day forward.  His friend had gone out for a late lunch, and was struck by a bus during the tremor and was killed instantly.  In total over 15,000 people died in Japan in March of 2011 as a result of the most powerful earthquake to ever hit Japan.

The reality is you have no control over tomorrow.  Your day-timer may be filled with meetings, and your evening dinners are fully scheduled, but when it all comes down to it, your life is a breath by breath experience.  None of us can prepare for the unknown devastation and catastrophe that will happen in life.  Each breath we take is a gift from God and needs to be cherished, for you have no idea if your next will be your last.  It is inevitable that each of us will one day draw our final breath and be laid to rest.  The soul is then freed from the flesh that has contained it for these years and the destination has been determined.  Once that final breath has been taken, there is no choice left on where you will spend eternity.  This is a decision that cannot wait for the next day to arrive.

Getting right with God doesn’t require you to be perfect.  If it did, none of us would ever be “right” with God.  It requires you to acknowledge that you are a sinner and you need a Savior.  It requires acceptance in the man Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, and accepting that He lived, He died and He rose again so that you might have life eternal with God one day.  Recognize that you cannot control this life anymore than those unfortunate people lost in Japan on that day or in the World Trade Center on 9-11 or in Indonesia on December 26, 2004.  We are here for only a short time, respectively, and then our lives are over.  Eternity last forever and there are only two choices.  Don’t waste today over-thinking your future, secure it in God’s holy plan.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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