Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Name above all Names

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“And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be delivered; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem There will be those who escape, As the LORD has said, Even among the survivors whom the LORD calls.” – Joel 2:32
It’s 2 o’clock in the morning and I awaken from a deep sleep.  At first it seemed like a dream, you know the kind where you can’t really tell if the sound is in the dream or reality.  “Daddy…..Daddy….Daddy”; each progressively louder and more urgent then the prior.  Lunging from bed, I race up the stairs to her room to find her sitting up in bed with her covers up under her chin.  “What is it, honey?”  “I need a drink of water.”  How does a father keep from losing it at that moment?  For a brief second you fear that your child has been hurt terribly and then come to find out that they are just lazy and don’t want to go get their own drink.  You immediately go from “hero” to “waiter” in an instant.

We call upon His name for many different reasons.  Some are intended to praise, and some are intended to worship.  Sometimes we are calling on His name out of fear and uncertainty, or the realization that we are not in control.  Then there are the times we call out His name from anger, blame or spite.  Our heavenly Father is omnipresent though and hears your cries, regardless of the emotion behind the words.  Those times when we use His name in vain, cursing or swearing upon His holiness; He hears the disrespect and condemnation.  Those times when we are at our wits end and plead with Him for help in solving our problems; He hears this as well and lovingly follows through.  Perhaps it is after a tragic event or in the hospital room when we are helpless; He hears your words and comes to comfort and bring strength. 

There is nothing more powerful than calling upon the name of the Lord in praise, worship or in need.  He is Holy and worthy of our praise.  He is omnipotent and knows all things, a very present calm in the midst of the storm.  Although it is not always evidenced by our limited vision He is consistent in hearing our pleas and working on your behalf for the betterment of His Kingdom.  We may not always like the path He has chosen, but we must trust that in all things He is God and is in full control of every situation.  He never promises that we will not have pain and suffering, yet He has committed to always be our strength through the difficult times.  It is important to not lose sight of this fact; He loves you more than you or anyone else could ever love you, and He wants nothing but the best for you.

Philippians 2:9-11 describes the name above all names - the One who sits at the right hand of God Almighty and will judge all mankind.  Every knee will bow at the name of Jesus and one day every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  It is in that name, accepting Him as Savior and Lord that we are made whole and redeemed.  It is only through that name that we are given passage into eternity with the Father, and only through that name are we able to stand before His throne worthy of His grace and mercy.  There will come a day when we all stand before the Lord and as believers we can claim our rewards by His name – “I am bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord”

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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