Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You’re Amaazing

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth” – Proverbs 27:1

Stop.  You are running too fast and you’re going to get hurt.  Every breath you take is valuable, and you don’t even think about it until you can’t draw oxygen into your lungs anymore.  You don’t think about the 10 pints of blood that are circulating throughout your body, until you’ve been cut or scraped and you see the blood dripping from a wound.  Are you consciously thinking about every time your heart valve opens and pumps blood through your arteries?   No, of course you aren’t.  On average your heart is pumping blood throughout your body at 72 beats per minute, sometimes faster under strenuous activity, sometimes slower at rest.  If you had to control that aspect of your life, you would have no time to think about anything else.  Your heart, lungs and mind are miraculously designed by the Creator of the world to work perfectly without your assistance. 

Because of God’s unbelievable design you are able to read or hear this message today.  Your eyes transfer the shape of the letters to your brain, which in turn compile, translate, verify against the enormous database of your vocabulary and then process the information so that you understand that you have just read a word.  You are reading somewhere between 250 – 300 words per minute, and you’re doing it sub-consciously.  The amazing part is that you are only using a very small percentage of your brain to do this.

Stop for a moment this morning and truly embrace the fact that you are a creation of God Almighty and no other.  It’s not by chance circumstance that you have evolved from another creature or from a mud-pit to become this highly intelligent species.  It is not a random act of electronic particles that exploded in space one day billions of years ago and miraculously came together in the perfect manner to create your human cell that would grow into your respiratory system, pulmonary system, cardiovascular system and neurological system all wrapped in and around a skeletal structure of bones, ligaments and tendons, all covered by fat cells and layers of ectodermal tissue.  You are a design of God’s image that was created uniquely for His purpose and no other reason.  He designed you to do incredible things.  You are left with the choice on whether to actually live out that purpose or to do your own thing.  Either way, you don’t get to make the call on whether your respiratory, pulmonary, cardiovascular or neurological systems stop working – that’s His job.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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