Friday, October 26, 2012

Who Is God?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

"“'I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.' Moses trembled with fear and did not dare to look.” ; " 
                                                                                   - Acts 7:32

Are you afraid of God?  Is God approachable?
When you think of God – what does He look like?  

Most people in our 21st century society have taken the image of God and conformed Him into a mold of our own design.  Minimizing His omnipotence to meet our specific needs and rationalizing it based on His love for us.  There are some that would clearly state that God loves us so there is no way He would do ___________________________ (you fill in the blank).  I was speaking with my 7 year old son the other night about the Passover and Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.  He was captivated by the plagues that God brought upon Egypt, including the killing of all the first born (Exodus 12:12) on the night of the Passover.  This is a very different image of God than the loving portrait of Jesus Christ with a child sitting on His lap.  You can imagine how confusing this must have been for a 7 year old, yet alone for you and I. 
I have found that most of us put aside the authority and all powerful God and focus on the forgiving, loving and peaceful image that conforms to who we want Him to be.  A recent survey of students at San Diego State University, performed by Kaleo Church, received these answers when asked, “Who is God?”


He is that Creator, that belief that guides you in every day life
 He’s like this higher spiritual being that created this earth and all the things on it
 He’s the Father figure that takes care of us.  He’s up in heaven and all around us and takes care of us – I don’t believe in the whole Jesus thing, but I do believe there is a higher being that takes care of us
Someone to look to for help, for peace of mind who’s always there to help me out
 A higher power above that takes care of us and knows everything about us
My best friend, my father, someone I look up to, he’s pretty important to me, pretty much the center of my life
An entity in physical terms we can’t really understand.  History has given us many depictions of God all of them are different
For me it’s very personal, it’s inherent, I believe that most people believe in the same God but interpret Him differently     
I’m a Christian – so I believe God is Jesus Christ – easy enough
God is an idea, often a good one, sometimes a bad one
It’s personal, it’s like believing in something like a higher power, something’s out there watching over you, keeping an eye out for you
 I don’t really believe in God, I believe in a higher power, but not one thing
Whoever the individual feels it is.  Each individual has their own higher power     
 I really don’t have a belief about God and the whole religious story and all that
It varies on where you are geographically and your upbringing and your affiliation with institutionalized religion.   Something created the universe, but I don’t believe that thing is directly involved in our lives the way Institutional religion makes Him out to be
Not a Who, but a What - a deity created by human beings to better understand their relationship to the world, the ultimate form of good, necessary for growth and human survival; an interweaving, a fabric of the universe, much more than a person or a form

Quite a diverse set of reactions to a very profound question that has been asked for centuries and millennia.  These do not represent all of the answers, but a strong snapshot of the misconceptions and lack of reverence for who God is.  There does not seem to be a fear of God, to the youth of this day and age.  There is this belief in something greater than what is physically accessible, but there does not appear to be a fear of the repercussions of not believing in God.  Few acknowledged that Jesus Christ is the only way to God and most believed it is okay to believe in any God, whatever works for you.  Many of our youth are confused about the salvation, mercy and eternal grace available through the Savior Jesus Christ.  These young individuals are highly educated, filled with philosophies of worldly religions that conform to their model of what a God should be, regardless of accuracy or comprehension.  Confusion is the tool of the enemy and by the status of this survey, I would say that he is making an impact.

  So, who’s going to do anything about it?  Who can we rely on to propagate the Good News of Jesus Christ to these individuals?  They have come to the place they are at based on the sphere of influence in their life, so taking everything into consideration do we believe that this same sphere of influence is going to help them find “the light”?  Do we expect the media to help them find Christ?  What about the televangelists, or the education system, or their parents, or their Facebook groups?  No.  Church, we need to take a stand here and now.  If you and I and everyone you forward this to take the initiative to reach out to the community on behalf of Jesus Christ, there is no limitation to the impact we can make in the world.  You need to do some deep prayer and thought on how you can make a difference in the life of one lost youth.  I pray that you will take this serious, and not discard it as someone else’s problem to solve, it’s mine, it’s yours, it’s ours collectively.


  We are troubled in our hearts.  We long for the lost, the broken, the confused and the struggling to find You.  Do a miraculous work through this group of individuals reading this to take a dramatic step in spreading Your good word.  Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we might be on fire for You once again, and alive in Your will to carry the message to the masses.  There is a generation of lost souls and as a member of the church body of Jesus Christ, I am seeking Your touch in my life to spread Your word.  Teach us, love us and comfort us to become soldiers for Your word.  For it is through Your Son Jesus Christ we pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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