Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who will Lead?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

 "The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out." - Proverbs 10:9

He walked with his head held high, and others would look to him with an eye of inspiration and a heart filled with confidence.  He led by example, and others would rally around him to enable his dreams and vision to come to fruition.  Most wanted him to succeed, to rule and to change the way the world viewed power.  Sure, there were obstacles in his path, as with any great leader, but he was able to overcome these obstacles through the truth in his word and the passion by which he lived.

 I have often heard it said, “A leader is only a leader if others are following, otherwise, it’s just a man going for a walk.”  I recall as a child, reading of the great men of history that led armies, companies and countries with a loving but firm position of authority.  With a desire to solve the biggest problems and to bring unity where there was none, they would step out and take the lead, because they had vision and a plan to achieve that vision.  Not because they were popular, or they spoke well in front of a camera, or because they had a really cool web-site and twitter account.  No, they stood for something that others wanted, and they had enough courage to risk it all for the good of others. 

Tell me, where did those men go?  Where are the heroes that we can look up to and dream of becoming?  Look at the leaders of our world today, where is the integrity, where is the truth and the justice, where is the servants heart?  I see no leadership in our world today and I fear for our children.  There was a day when one could look to our Government, CEO’s, Pastors, teachers, coaches, journalists and parents as people with integrity.  More and more frequently though we are hearing of the corruptness, the scandal and the self-righteousness that breeds deceit and dishonesty.  Hardships will befall all mankind as we look inward and live our lives with blinders on, focused uniquely on ourselves.

It is so easy to get caught up in the frenzy of the media blitz today and take sides based on their biasness without seeking the truth behind the propaganda.  We want more and more information, with the intent of making better decisions with more information.  But consider the fact that the data and information you are provided is made available to you with the full intent of manipulating your thoughts and mind into a preconceived decision.  You are being fed information that they want you to have, you are not receiving the truth and or the fullness you need to become educated in these manners.  You believe you can trust the information your given because deep inside you want to believe that the people providing the information have integrity and are non-biased truthful individuals.  But this is not reality.

Where do you turn?  Turn to the creator – the maker of heaven and earth and realize that this world cannot influence or change the truth that exists therein.  God is sovereign over all things, including your dreams, desires and fears for your future.  Your hero’s should be steep in faith, love and conviction from the Holy Spirit, for in following Him there is no unrighteousness, no untruths or deceit.  The truth the Jesus Christ gave us while with us on this earth are forever etched in history as the perfect example of a man of integrity and worthy of following.  None since, nor none before had lived a life flawless and filled with peace, love and a servant’s heart willing to give everything He had to pursue the vision of His Father.  He led people in that day and ever since with the platform of truth, conviction, honesty and love.  Quit looking at the news or the web for the latest scoop or scandal, and delve into the book that was provided by our Father to give you the direction you lead.  It will guide you down the path that is straight and narrow.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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