Wednesday, October 3, 2012

There’s only One

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  - Exodus 20:3

Who is your god?

In ancient Greece, and to some extent even today there are those who pray to gods of wind, fire, rain, sun, love, sex, good and evil.  There was a god (or goddess) for nearly emotion and/or event that took place in one’s life.  Many still believe in these mythological gods and call upon them periodically for good fortune or for their needs to be met.  The thing is, in many cases their needs are met, and all praise and worship goes to this fictitious god that they claim made it all happen.  These gods exist in the one destined to deliver mankind to the depths of hell – that being Satan, Lucifer – the fallen angel of the God almighty.  He is more than happy to support those that call on any god other than Jehovah.

Some say that all religions are simply different paths to the same god, and that none is more worthy or correct than the other.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  There is but one God, and He has given us His written word to help us understand clearly that He is Lord, Sovereign and unchanging.  His word is our checks and balance against the lies of this world.  He has defined His presence as a triune God – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost – all in one.  These are not 3 separate entities, but God present in all 3 simultaneously. 

God the Father resides in His perfect heaven and is the creator, the Lord and judge.  The maker of all things, the ruler of all mankind, sovereign, holy and just; defined in the scriptures as “I am”.  God the Son came to the earth in the fullness of all of His glory and lived amongst mankind to demonstrate and to share His love with us personally.  His purpose in doing so was to create the ultimate sacrifice and redemption for the sinful nature of mankind, all knowing that it was impossible for us to achieve it alone.  God the Holy Ghost resides within each of us, that have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. As promised in John 14:16, Jesus tells us that he must go back to the Father, but that He would send the comforter, the Holy Ghost, to reside within each of you.  The Holy Spirit works within each of us to convict us of unrighteousness and strengthen us, guide us and bring us back to the understanding of God’s holiness.  God’s presence is seen through us by the Holy Spirit acting within our flesh, that all glory might be given back to God and not to man.

God is a God of wrath and judgment, as evidenced throughout scripture.  He has completely destroyed civilization for turning their back on Him in carnal acts of the flesh and worldly desires.  God is immutable, and therefore is the same today as He was when He reigned down fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah.  How then has He not reigned down fire and judgment on the world in which we live?  Was their sinful nature more disgusting than ours?  I can’t fathom the wretchedness if that were the case.  No, the reason we still exist is simply because Jesus Christ took that wrath on our behalf.  God did pour out His wrath on mankind, and the disgusting wretchedness that we embody, and put it squarely on His own Son, while He hung on the cross.  Do you not grasp the depth of what Jesus Christ actually did for you and I?  We are here only because of this act of grace from the Father, who, through the sacrifice of His own Son, created a way for our salvation, that overcomes anything Satan or his demonic gods can place upon us.

Face it, God is God, not because we acknowledge His awesomeness, but because He rightfully claimed it and has demonstrated throughout history His worthiness and love for us and our eternal soul.  There is no other representation of a god known to mankind that is willing to live within your messed up, screwed up, filthy dirty heart and cleanse it from within.  My God is unique and far above any other representation the world may introduce.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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