Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Break Away

“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” – Mark 6:31
I was looking for the remote again the other day.  I can’t believe how often this simple device comes up missing in my household.  Granted, I am lazy and didn’t want to simply stand up and walk over and change the channel, so I spent 10 minutes walking around the room looking under furniture, behind the tables, in the drawers and between the cushions.  I never did find the remote that night, which to me is completely bizarre.  If the remote only does one thing – control the TV, why wouldn’t it always be by the TV?  Finally, I gave up and manually walked over and changed the channel.  I must say, after pushing the up arrow button 82 times (go from channel 41 to 123) I had a whole new respect for the remote control.

We all get lost every now and then.  We allow the pressures of our daily life to get in the way of what we know is the right thing to do.  Inside of our heart and mind, we know there is something bigger than waking up and going to work (or school) and doing the laundry and the dishes, then putting the kids to bed and picking up the house from the days whirlwind.  There must be something more than this, right?  You see, when we focus on the mundane and the arduous task of living life, we quickly become lost in the tactical to-do list and become overwhelmed with just making it through one more day.

This is why it is so important to find those moments in your day to separate yourself from the chores, the busyness and get with God.  Living life is a requirement, but it is not the complete picture.  There are bills to pay, children to raise and chores to do; that’s never going to end.  But, don’t let it define who you are.  Find time to stop, quiet yourself and breath.  Slow yourself down enough to realize that God wants to talk with you.  The busier we become the less we look like Jesus to those watching.  You can break the cycle through a conscious and focused effort on your part.  Be in His word; reflect on Jesus’ life, His love and His sacrifice.  Connect with the importance of God’s grace and forgiveness that washes away your sin.  Allow yourself the freedom to find God each day and break away from the control of the daily events.  By the way, He’s not lost, He’s not hiding and He’s not avoiding you – it’s just the opposite.
Heavenly Father,
You are an amazing, loving giver of all good things.  You have poured out Your blessings upon us each and every day, and we miss it.  Help us to slow down and capture Your love, grace and mercies each day.  Give us the strength to push past the daily churn and focus on the important things in life, that is bringing Your love and grace to the world.  Search me oh God and find my weaknesses.  Break down the barriers that keep me from experiencing the fullness of Your plan in my life.  In Your name I pray – Amen.
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