Thursday, August 4, 2011

Her Name is Grace

“And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” – 1 John 4:21
The lights are bright and the moon is etched in a perfect circle against the midnight black sky.  The streets are busy, but no more so than any other Friday night.  People are all about, quickly pursuing their next course of action, with no concern of tomorrow’s sunrise.  Amidst the crowds there are the silent tears of one in a struggle with right and wrong.  Drowning in her own self condemnation, reaching out to a God, who seems distant and vacant.  The streets have been hard on this young woman and helplessness has become a way of life, rather than a state of being.  She gave up long ago on finding her way out, and succumbed to the easy path where there was enough money to support her habits and put a morsel of food on her plate each night.  She puts on a smile, plays with her hair and laughs at the appropriate time, while her heart is silently screaming for help.

Who is her keeper, who is going to step in and break the habitual life that she has come to know as existence.  Hundreds pass by her every day at school, and not one stops to look inside.  The cashier at the liquor store turns a blind eye to the real problem and takes the money for his prosperity.  The hotel manager hands over the room key without a second look, because he hasn’t got time to worry about her situation, when his own problems are piled so high.  If everyone is allowing her spiral to continue, will she ever know where the bottom is.

We are called to righteousness and a truth of love, mercy and grace.  Grace means giving to another even when they don’t deserve it, nor can they ever repay for it.  It can’t be sold or purchased, it is freely given away.  God’s perfect example of grace in giving us salvation despite our unrighteousness, is a free gift which not one of us deserve.  It cannot be earned or purchased for it has already been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Upon receiving this grace shouldn’t we all in turn look to share that grace with as many as we possibly can, or should we turn a blind eye and selfishly keep it to ourselves.  Take a stand for the Lord and reach those who are unreachable – for God’s grace has no limits.
Loving God
You have called us to be righteous, holy and loving.  We stand upon the foundation of Your grace and accept our salvation through Your Son – Jesus Christ.  Help us to reach out to others we meet with that same love and be able to share Your grace with them.  As You loved us, let us love one another without condemnation or judgment.  Let it be constantly on our mind that You love all mankind and each of us are equally valuable in Your eyes.  In Your name I pray.  Amen.
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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