Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Don't Get It

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”  – Psalm 139:13

In the heat of the moment I lash out in anger.  I don’t understand the purpose for pain, suffering and anguish.  Why is it that we are so set on living to achieve our own desire and less to achieve the basic principles for which we were created?  Life is a series of moments that when assembled represent your body of work, your contribution to the existence of those around you.  It is in these moments that we are given the opportunity to present the truth that has been laid upon the foundation of our heart. 

The essence of God’s love, His incredible compassion and unfailing perseverance to achieve the impossible has been given to every one of us. Not because you asked Him for it, but because He gave it.  If you look at your life as a painting, His signature is in the lower right corner of the masterpiece.  The problem is we have built a frame around the piece of art and covered the signature in the corner.  His name is still there, but others are blind to it because we have chosen to hide it from their eyes.  Peel away the frames which cover His presence and realize that He was there at your inception, He’s there every day and He will be there when this life ends and the new begins. 

He knows your hurts, pains and struggles.  He is intimately knowledgeable about your desires.  Is there anything that you might say, which God doesn’t already know?  Can you quote a scripture to God which might catch Him by surprise?  I trust that He created me and you equally, with love and righteousness. I believe that the conflict between one man and another is built from our intentions on having our own way, not His intentions on how we might live together and love one another.  Evil exists in the absence of goodness, not because evil was created.

Heavenly Father,
You are the author and perfector of my life.  You have created me in a way to bring glory back to You through my actions and choices in life.  Help me to walk this path and bring You praise, honor and glory through my words and actions.  Let Your righteousness fill my heart.  In Your name I pray – Amen©Sondove Enterprises, 2011


  1. Amen and AMEN! Keep pouring out the Spirit that is so obviously within you Rich. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow :)

  2. Thank you Babe. But, all the glory is His, I just try and do my little part in this great big world.
