Thursday, August 18, 2011

Drink Up

“Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep. God's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters” – Genesis 1:2

It’s creation is unrecorded, yet it has always been
It’s frozen, it’s solid and it’s gas
Is there more today, than there was yesterday
Can more be created, or is it finite
Some will kill for it, others die without it
Every single one of us carry it with us everywhere we go
The big blue, the great abyss – how deep we may never know

In Genesis 1:2 God hovered above the waters.  Isn’t it strange that Genesis 1 doesn’t mention the creation of water – only heaven and earth.

In Genesis 6:17 God tells Noah that water will once again cover the entire earth and kill all living things

In Revelation 16:4 God turns all flowing water to blood in the last days

What is water?  From where does it flow?  It is a molecule that consists of 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, neither of which can be created by man, but exist in plentiful supply all around us.  It is an essential for life to exist.  The earth is made up of 70.9% water, the human body is made up of an average of 55% - 60% water (for an adult) based on the person’s size and weight.  Space exploration have discovered ice and water on other planets and even the moon.  In July, 2011; they discovered a gigantic cloud of water vapor, 12 billion light years away, with a volumetric size of 140 trillion times the combined water’s of all the oceans on Earth.  The natural water cycle moves water from solid to liquid to gas and back to liquid and solid again through evaporation, rain, snow and humidity.

It was, before the heavens and Earth were created.  On day 2 – God created space between two layers of waters – that in heaven from that on earth.  On day 3 – God created land to separate the waters on the earth.  There is a finite amount of water in the universe and only God knows that amount.  The next time you pour a glass of water, or drink from a water bottle, you need to realize you are taking in a supply of God’s original creation. 

Heavenly Father,
I am in awe of Your creation.  Your perfect plan for how life should be sustained through water, oxygen, heat and love.  These basic principles have always been, and will always be, all come from You and You alone.  Thank You for making me as Your masterpiece in such intricate detailed composition.  Help me to respect and not take for granted that which only You can provide in life.  In Your name I pray. Amen
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