Monday, August 8, 2011

It Takes Focus

“Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies— make straight your way before me.” – Psalm 5:8

Selfish pride and arrogance get in the way of spiritual growth.  It is so easy to allow the world to get between where my heart wants to be and where my feet take me.  Is tomorrow’s agenda going to get in the way of the life the Lord has planned for me?  What drives the priorities that open my mind each day to take on this life?  When I allow the busyness of each day to pull me toward dreams of success, I often times sacrifice the moments in time that build up the lives of those around me.  Their lives are precious and vulnerable to the pressures of society.  Little feet run here and there, trying to fill moments of time with something unsubstantial in an attempt to fill the emptiness inside.  I watch from afar, see them laugh, see them cry.  It hurts inside, but there are bills to pay, the mailbox continues to overflow.  I take another drink of the life I have chosen and look in my rearview mirror to see their disappointed faces getting smaller and farther away.  I watch as the enemy puts his hand on their shoulder and leads them back to the crowd hanging at the corner.

As a father, one of the most important roles we have in life is to lead our children down a path of righteousness.  Through love, patience, encouragement and time – we have the ability to influence the lives of these tender hearts in a way that builds a strong nation of believers.  Another alternative is to spend our time focusing on our wants, desires and success in life – while the world teaches the children in our place.  There are essentials in life, and there is abundance.  Perhaps there is a point when the hearts we impact are important enough to realize that success in the world’s eyes isn’t quite as important as receiving the love of our children.  God’s purpose for your life revolves around putting aside unrighteous, selfish desires and loving those around you whole heartedly, focusing on their joy, happiness and peace.

Heavenly Father,
Cleanse my heart Lord.  Wash away the pride, arrogance and unrighteousness that exists.  Build in me a new heart focused on serving and loving You.  Lead me when my feet are heavy and my arms are tired.  Lead me to push onward with resolve to love those under my care with a love that can only come from You.  Help me to raise the next generation of warriors in Your army.  In Your name I pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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