Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just Take a Step

""Come", he {Jesus} said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”" - Matthew 14:29-31

A story most are familiar with. It's one of those foundational stories of faith, trust and focusing on our Lord.  So what more is there to learn here?
Why did Peter step out of the boat?  Certainly, his heart was in the right place - wanting to reach his Savior in the fastest way possible.  It obviously points out the love and confidence that Peter had in Jesus that nothing was beyond His authority and control.  It's a story that reminds us to look to Christ when we are looking for the impossible to happen.
When the plan of Christ is revealed, it takes unbelievable strength, courage and confidence to actually act.  This is what I think is often overlooked in this story.  Peter's confidence is unwavering as he lifts his foot and steps onto the waves.  Placing one foot in front of another, confidently walking across the cold surface in a miraculous physical feat; but check out the next part.  Do you really think Satan is going to sit by and pout, no he's going to throw turmoil and obstacles in the path to obstruct the plan from being executed.
The story concludes with the best part though.  Most think the miracle of walking on water is the best part, but not me.  You see, I am drawn to v. 31, because I often find myself in this situation.  Things are going great, I'm on top of the world and feeling the Lord in my life.  Then something happens, I get afraid and out of fear - start to rely on my own resources and knowledge.  This begins the slow spiral of desperation and the cry out to the Lord for salvation.  You know what, Christ is always right there to take my hand and pick me up again.  I have many times reached for that scarred hand and found it's strength to get back up and refocus my life on His plans.  Sometimes it requires a daily reminder of just who it is that is leading my footsteps.  This is how I stay focused on His eyes and tip toe across the waters of life.  I hope you are able to step out of that boat as well.  Be blessed.
Heavenly Father,
Grant me the confidence, courage and fortitude to live for You throughout my day.  Help me to avoid the snares of the evil one and walk in Your light.  I rely upon Your wisdom and love for the strength to overcome obstacles in my life, and bring glory to You.  In Your name I pray – Amen
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
For More Daily Thoughts:


  1. That is exactly the story of my life. When I try to do things on my own, things fall apart because of my lack of faith or my lost focus on God. Yet when I read His Words daily, my life has a way of coming together, moving a bit more smoothly with ups and downs that I seem to handle more consistently and rationally. Thanks for this Daily Thoughts. They are written in a way that is easy for me to "get" and the application to my daily life is applicable.

  2. I am so glad that you are finding the Daily Thoughts beneficial in your wlk with Christ. All glory goes to God, for He makes all things work together for His gain, and this is but a small part of His amazing story. Stay focused on seeking His will each day - He'll meet your needs. - Be blessed
